
My favorite open carry stop of all time:

Yeah @funbobby51, well in short Police suck really !!

I talked to a perfectly nice police officer today.

Well they are all perfectly nice I guess until you trigger their robot " i must arrest you mode " as then there is just no deliberating with them and they just dont see anything more than what they feel they are required to to ! I guess most of them are ex military and so they have been created to follow orders no matter what !! These sort of people i dont particrally like as their inabliity to have cognitive reason makes them the perfect enforcement tool of the bad sorts that take our taxes to pay badly these sorts !

yeah man its not cool to support people who get paid with stolen "tax" money who then go around and give tickets to extort MORE money out of us and then act like they give a shitw hen we get in trouble when we have a problem, when we have a robbery or a a fight, they come and probobly take US to jail even if we calll them for help! it happens too much and the cops need to be PRIVATIZED and DECENTRALZIED so that a Police officer wouldnt do ANYTHINg a Noirmal human being would do inculduing acting like they hav ethe right to fucking stop and search people and handcuff them when they havent DONE anything vipolent. See if osmoene is getting violent handcuffs are logical and its just overused and the ide aof a jail or prison si also overused and its abused and we may as well not even have prisons at this point, criminals are already roaming free and i DOUBT our system does much to limnit crime at all, id much rather have islands to send criminals to, prisona re iunhumane and too many innoicent peopel end up there. It is nmot cool to have the system we have and the police have WAY too much power for a government job worst of teh worst that just gets themm PAID no matter WHAT they do!

PRIVATE police are GREAT however, they Know rthir fucking Limits and wont fuck up a consumer customer, profit incentive keeps trhem from being toital assholes. COurts always take cops sides but the market will ALWAYS make them think twioce and we need to learn from the success of Actual private police.

I prefer self-governance and self-protection, but you make some good points where the bigger cities might have need for "policing".

who doesn't love mall cops? they have an impeccable reputation, right?

They do have fairly simple programming, just don't look them in the eyes when you are committing a moving violation. A golf umbrella in the back window will prevent cops from harassing you.

"A golf umbrella in the back window will prevent cops from harassing you." HAHAHAHAHAA!! thats pretty funny @funbobby51 ))

It's 100% effective.

ha ha ha . How Dangerous they are.they carry pistol with her.

yes i dlike to see someone try and molest them on a dark night while they walk hom !! thanks for your regular support and comments to my posts @shantal !! )

they look pretty safe to me!

is they are criminal,
how dangerous they are!
any can afraid if see them suddenly...
@upvote & @resteem this

Yes @hlit, i dont think people would ever consider giving bad behaviour to these women ! Maybe now this is what we need, considering the stuff wea re seeing going on in the dark streets of Eaurope right now ! thankyou for the resteem by the way, thats so nice of you )))

they are like as robber, i just afraid this,
they seems to be very dangerous...

i share this by @upvote and @resteem it

but the police dont make you afraid @they have guns too !

In his country, the police are probably robbing people on a daily basis LOL

I am afraid.Not for the pistol for their attitude. @gomeravibz

Well I have no problem whatsoever with open carry ! It keeps things nice a peaceful when you know just about everyone around you has a gun and going about their business with no reason or need to use it on anyone ! Its more the punk who walks into the liquopr store with a swearty face looking very nervous that makes me nervous !!

well that which makes you afraid gisamiulex gves me a feeling of saftey as if some stupid ass pulled some bad s..t with these ladies around they might get a surprise ! A disarmed population or gun free zone is a kill ground for any crazy with bad intentions !

I like the courage you have. they are great women.

How do you mean I have courage @rossy5 ?? I am not the one wearing the gun ! But sure they are sure the sort of women i respect and like for thier conviction to their own self empowerment ! ))

Hahahahahaha... Yeah sure, it looks hotter. 😁😁😁😁

Why do they need guns, if they could kill wid the damn #ASSES 😜

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