What are Crisis Actors?

in #dmania6 years ago

The term "Crisis Actor" gets tossed around a lot these days, usually in connection with the phrase "False Flag". Do you know what a Crisis Actor actually refers to?

Crisis Actor - " Crisis actor is a trained actor,  role player, volunteer, or other person engaged to portray a disaster  victim during emergency drills to train first responders such as police,  firefighters or EMT personnel. Crisis actors are used to create  high-fidelity simulations of disasters in order to allow first  responders to practice their skills and help state and local emergency  services to prepare and train in realistic scenarios as part of  full-scale disaster exercises."

In a world where the media had been infiltrated by the CIA Project Mockingbird, some actors, originally hired to play victims for training purposes, have been given the added role of playing victims for media interviews. Over time, in some cases, actors playing the part of victims were inserted into scenarios solely to relate a given perspective on the event.

It is important to note that it is often mentioned that most events which receive the 'False Flag' tag occur with drills similar to the event occurring nearby. Many have noted that, in advance of those drills, ads for victim actors have appeared on Craig's List and/or in the local media. Just because one or more Crisis Actors may turn up in connection with an actual event, it does not mean that all the victims are actors. Also, even when an event has real victims, that does not rule out the addition of those who aren't.

It is important to take every bit of information that comes out of any event and evaluate it on its own merits without make interpretations based on other bits of information. Most of the events we are presented with these days seem to be much more complex than the simple open and shut descriptions we are given. That fact alone doesn't make them real or fake. It just demands that we gather as much information as we can before any hasty opinions are formed. There are often multiple interests that become involved as far as narratives are concerned.

One final note before I close this - Many people have thrown the 'crisis actor' label around in relation to David Hogg and his cousin Emma Gonzalez. They are not. They may both may be drama students and, as such, actors, but their media appearences have not been as victims, but rather as lobbyists. They are not presented as weak individuals who have had an event intrude on their lives. Much to the contrary, they appear as empowered activists for a cause.

In closing, I will embed a short video about crisis actors in a high school shooting scenario to illustrate the theatrical way victim role-play is used in conjunction with drill exercises.

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