"Vivid your concept" - I bet you will see this only in India!

in #dmania6 years ago (edited)

These types of things are very much prevalent in India. Ever since the proliferation of the engineering craze among youth, local institutes of Physics, Chemistry, and Maths, popularly known as PCM are sprouting in every part of India. Many of them incur huge fees with substandard teaching.

This meme is the prime example of such substandard coaching institutes at private spaces such as residential houses.

View post on dMania


Ahaha what the fuck???

lmao thats hilarious. I am in Delhi visiting family and come from Dallas, TX. It's so awesome to see some strong Indian representation on the platform! I was hoping to connect with some more Steemians while here!! Heck, it might be super rad to meetup for drinks or something! I have been having a blast immersing myself in this incredible environment.

Btw, your post reminds me of so many things that are seemingly backwards to me, but I have to remind myself people have different ways of doing things, esp when it comes to cultural norms!

Lmk what your up to in the coming week.

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