Dlive Chat Reader v0.99 with upVote mp3 notifications!

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

Hello dear steemaian streams. Many of you have problems with Dlive labs lately, so I'm in a hurry to help You. To my TTS system that reads the chat aloud (which can be useful for many streamers of players - details here, App here) have been added by new features, here are some of them:

New features in version 0.99

  • Added upvote notifications with custom mp3.
  • Changed order in upvote notifications: first the mp3 is played, then the lector says who gave upvote.
  • Done a protection that generates a unique ID for the browser so that no one else can replace mp3 during the stream.
  • Created automatic loading of the next message in the queue after detecting the end of reading. That massively increases the dynamics of operation with a large number of short messages and also eliminates the problem of cutting long messages.

The most important change is the automatic voice reading name of the person who gave upvote, and mp3 sound of notification, which you can change to any your own mp3 files.

It's very simple, just click this green button:


Chose your mp3 and click upload


Done, You can test it and everything should work. When someone upvote, first mp3 will play, then TTS say: "[name] upvote".


I hope that Dlive Chat Reader from TTS will continue to grow and be useful to You, and that it will contribute to the increasing spread of steem-based platforms.

Go ahead and test the app (stable PHP version):

See also new New Dlive Chat Reader (jQuery version) with OBS integration: https://zygmunt.pro/apps/dcr/


Live TTS chat reader on DLive
UpVote notification with custom animation and mp3
Chat popup window (last 3 messages) for OBS
OBS links for very easy integration



It seems to me that you do not know how it works, see the video:


Chat reader TTS is very useful for streamers-players who do not have time to read the chat manually. "Upvote MP3" is just one of the additional features I've added.

It can also be useful for people who want to know if someone has already given upvote under their post on steemit. Just leave the page in the background and hear who and when gives UP.

Give it a try:

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