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RE: Process of cooking rice with chicken to give it away to people in need [Creative Video edition]

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

So how much did you spend on the food you are so kindly preparing for poor people?

4 dollars? What are you gonna do with the rest of the money?
Keep it to yourself?

You got nearly 20 dollars in liquid rewards in the 4 posts associated with this chicken rice for the poor,
so how is it, you spend 4 and keep 16??????

It would make sense that if you are gonna play this game of "look how I help the poor people"
you start using the money people support your charity posts with for the food, instead of pocketing most of it yourself

btw. those are not chives, those are green onions

for future reference this is what chives look like:


Just watch the video

1 Kg Carrot - 0.5 sdb
5 Kg potatoes - 2.5 sbd
4 Chikens - 8 sbd
4 kg rice - 4 sbd
TOTAL: 15 sbd (+ or - )

Now crawl back to your hole and do some actual blockchain cleaning.

1 kg of carrots 0.5 sbd??? first line, and you are already lying
dont make me laught, 1kg of carrots are not even 0.1 sbd in venezuela
5 kg potatoes? where are the 5kg of potatoes???, again lying, how many kg of potatoes do you see in the video? I see 1kg not 5........
4 chickens????? I see 1 chicken not 4....... do you see 4 chickens?
4 kg of rice -----> 4SBD ----->>>> outright LIE 1.5usd

Remember that he said it was 5kg of chicken and rice,
can you do math idiot?
you are a liar supporting another liar, and anybody from Venezuela can back up what Im saying.

Just think? how much does a chicken weight???? 2kg????
how can 4 2 kg chickens----->>>> 8kg
+4kg of rice (without the water it absorb)
be 5kg
8 + 4 ??------->12
is this too complex arithmetic for you?

Just Watch the Video, its 50 seconds long


There is no reason for such a mean attack.
One of the major problems facing Venezuela is that it has to import a lot of the food it uses. This is a result of bad government policies in the past, but that is another story. Rice prices and food prices are very similar all around the world for some stable transportable commodities (rice, corn, wheat). Fruit and vegetable prices can vary a lot more. This is because otherwise -where free trade is allowed- someone loads up a ship with rice and moves it from a cheap place to an expensive place. And to get things like chicken, you still need to generally feed corn or rice to the chickens(if you have lots of them).

I was reading about the mess in Venezuela, and if you are talking about official government prices, you might be right. However, long lines and limited supplies have made buying goods at those prices extremely difficult, to say the least. Those prices are set artificially low and have resulted in massive shortages. In short, grocery shelves are empty.

Clearly you have no idea what is going on.


clearly its you that doesnt know whats going on, look above.
you are being scammed, you just dont know how cheap food is in venezuela, sir.

I'm fully aware of how malos uses every cent of or still holds donated funds.

I'm also fully aware of many women who call you a perverted, and impotent stalker, and how insignificant you are here, and just how desperate for relevance that you will be a pig to women and now prey on the best hearts on the network.

You are a sick little fuck, and a pissant. Look it up, it means you are nothing, To anyone. At all.

Now fuck off, pissant.

Dont come at me with ad hominem attacks, I come to you with facts.
If you dont like the facts, you can suck my cock, and make it sloppy please.

PS. So you are aware this is a scam?

No thanks, little girls like you have neither facts nor cocks, and I'm not a disgusting pervert hated by all women on the platform like you, so I'll stick with the ladies who are grown up and find you ignorant and disgusting.

Maybe I should publish some of your delightful bullshit. LOL

Insignificant little slug.

More ad hominem attacks???? it would seem to me you just dont want to or cant see the facts.....

PS If you are the hope we might as well all kill ourselves ;)

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