
haha! well I guess you're welcome reikigirl..usually people are just laughing at me but if they can be inspired by me that's better! lol.
hey, what are the plans for the weekend? besides actifit or is that it from now on??

You're awesomeness Cowboy, how could I not be inspired by you? hehe <333 This weekend I'm actually hanging out with one of my friends from that handful I was talking about the other day LOL and guess what, she's actually on Steemit :) So it's going to be a blockchain kinda weekend. How about you?

a blockchain kind of weekend..hhmmm yeah me too. what is your friend's username so I know she isn't another one of your imaginary friends?

I was all set to mow this weekend but it's raining. so I'm not sure, now, steemit will be most of it I reckon.

LOL! @khigley hahahahhaa Sorry to hear you won't be able to mow. I need to get a chain for my oldschool push mower, until then Farmer has been cutting the grass for me :) <333 Happy Steeming Cowboy!!

hey reikigirl! what do you mean old school push mower? you mean the kind with no engine with the long blades like a cylinder? It's been so long I forget what they call those.

I was surely thinking you would know exactly what kind I am talking about Cowboy ;) lololol Yes, the antique ones with no motor just blades and you push it. them are my favorite kinds and the only ones I will use :D

haha! so I DID know what kind you were talking about. Well I know that's kind of an ancient style and you aren't very ancient so I wasn't sure.

That's the ONLY kind you will there a strong reason for that? Sounds pretty dogmatic but I'm not questioning why, just curious. I like them too bytheway.

hahaha im an old soul cowboy lol ;) ummmm because of it's perfection...lmao

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