Mega Man X6 Masochist Speedrun Part 01: Introduction

in #dlive6 years ago


Alright. The pain begins.

For those who haven't been following my previous slow burning suicide attempts before, I'll explain what is taking place before your eyes right now.

This will be a segmented no anything speedrun of Mega Man X6. On Xtreme.

By no anything I mean no armor, no special weapons, and most importantly, no damage.

Now, this is X6, so forced rule breaks can't be helped. The first, obvious being what you're watching right now since I can't normally complete the intro stage as Unarmored X.

And there other segments, such as the acid raid segments, that obviously force me to take damage. Some weapons and parts simply can not be helped, either, under the other stipulations.

I want to stretch a few added stipulations I came up with.

First being that I really try to stretch the speedrun aspect of this. I want to try and push the game as far as it allows itself to be pushed while preserving the no damage clause. This means that I won't accept a recording if I feel I missed out on major time saves.

Having said that, I also want to try and do this without major exploits of the game mechanics, meaning that I aim at a fairly vanilla approach, while respecting the other aspects of the challenge.

The reason for this is that I'm so sick to death to the gazillions of LPs and streams of X6 where - first of all, they're usually playing on either Normal or Easy - the person playing does nothing but bitch and moan about X6.

I hate that.

This game is not impossible, and it's not as bad as the damn meme would have you to believe.

I want to show that the game is doable - without exploiting the game mechanics - under these guises. And needless to say, I'm not playing the game the way it was even meant to be played.

I finally decided to do this while browsing through an X6 LP of a YouTuber who did nothing but A) suck at the game, and B) say that he hates the game every two seconds.

I try not to be an elitist jerk, but there were moments where I just wanted to leave a comment that said: "Just get good, kid. Geeze."

Despite the pain, I'm no doubt going to be feeling throughout this project, I still find it worth appreciating that X6 on Xtreme is the X game that can still routinely kick my ass if it so chooses after all this time.

That pretty much wraps out the introduction. The intro stage is just the intro stage. Not much to say here, so I hope you stick around and I'll see you at Yammark's stage in a bit.

My video is at DLive

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