Mega Man X6 Masochist Speedrun Part 02: Commander Yammark

in #dlive6 years ago


Two for the price of one. This is the proper stage of the game.

Commander Yammark's stage is an easy place to start with, too. It introduces some of the gimmicks in X6 without going too overboard with anything.

The first thing we'll notice is that X6 faithfully follows the series tradition of large enemies having laughable hitboxes, meaning that jumping over them is always the fastest way to go.

The other thing to note here are those floating enemies that look like anorexic scuba divers.

The Nightmares are, by far, the biggest pain in the ass in X6, and they're usually thing people are going to cite when talking about their hatred for this game.

And Xtreme mode feels no shame in overflooding the screen with them - usually whenever you don't want them to be there.

They move in an erratic fashion, are hard to predict, and have enough HP where killing them efficiently is sometimes extremely impractical.

Personally, I don't mind them at all. They force me to strategize around them, and are generally a challenge that's not really found in the other X games.

They're not an issue here in this stage, but they do become quite the headache once the game goes on.

It's an easy, straightforward stage, and most of the time spent on this was simply me optimizing my speed.

Yammark himself took a grand total of one try and you're looking at it.

Nothing to cry home about.

Next up is Rainy Turtloid, and I promise you that things are going to get a lot messier, so stick around.

My video is at DLive


I love the music in this level, all time favorite.

I notice you're not crouch dashing. Do you know what that is or do you like going slower? ;P

Yeah, I do! But I've never done it/used it. I know I probably should, and for you, I'll promise to try to work it in at least a little bit. But in a challenge like this, a lot of it just comes off muscle memory and after dozens of resets, so using new tech doesn't feel natural.

But yeah, I'll definitely try to keep it in mind because obviously it's faster, as you said. :)

Imagine forming muscle memory from being bad... oof!!

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