Visiting London Cryptocurrency Show & Promoting Dlive - Part II

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Arriving at the Novotel just before 10am, the place was already packed with people. Right by the entrance, I then noticed the huge but familiar “PROMO-STEEM” sign in blue, displayed vibrantly and bold. You definitely would not miss it, lol.


Our Steemit booth was situated toward the back of the hall. And I must say, it was “by far” the busiest booth within the whole show! Lots of visitors seemed very interested in learning more about “Steem” coin as well as find out more the ever-growing community of Steemians. It didn’t take long for me to spot some instantly recognizable faces in the crowd, mostly gathered around the booth and the stage area. It was awesome to be able to catch up with them again in addition to meeting some great new people too.



I was super impressed by how many Steemians actually turned up. It was like a mini Steemfest all over again! Even @roelandp manged to come which added to that feeling even more so. Geographical location didn’t seem to be as issue either as quite a number of Stemians made it to our shores to check out The London Cryptocurrency Show. For example, our good friend @exyle from Rotterdam, @techslut from Isreal and even the Appics team from Germany! What a turnout!


(@exyle, @stephenkendal, @allasyummyfood, me)

(@allasyummyfood, me, @redrica)

@promo-steem team did a fantastic job at the booth, giving well-informed and inspirational talks throughout the day. Dylan, a.k.a. @anarchotech, was a natural in terms of presenting a speech. So confident, professional and delivered with such enthused clarity. @allasyummyfood also shared her personal experience and success story on Steemit with everyone there. Loved every second of it!




The whole team of @utopian-io were also there, presented by @techslut. For those who don’t know already, Utopian connects with and incentivizes the global open source developmental community on the Steem blockchain. She shared some pretty nifty figures with us, such as Utopian has so far, distributed over 600,000 SBD to our community and over 35,000 Steem to investors. Supporting up and coming development initiatives is an integral part of Steem and it’s great to know these guys are providing such incredible support. Thank you so much for all your hard work and valuable efforts, team Utopian!

(me, @techslut)

Steempress and eSteem also shared their updates with us. Two excellent Dapps for the Steem blockchain. As I mentioned, the Appics group also made their appearance at the last minute. Very commendable given their busy travel schedule. They are currently hosting a global campaign in promoting Steem’s first ever Smart Media Token, “Appics”. It was really cool to see an actual live demonstration of it using a test beta version. A very slick interface indeed, I must say! So, yes, I am quite excited about this Dapp coming out in Q3 this year.



As I mentioned in my previous post, one of my priorities in coming to the show is to promote our Dlive! I walked around the busy venue, showing off with my Dlive t-shirt, which definitely got some attention, lol! I got stopped by a few people and took the opportunity to explain what Dlive is and how it works within the Steem eco-system. I believe I got a number of people interested to check it out and give it a go for themselves!







I spoke to several Steemians who have already been using Dlive and was quite pleased to hear some really positive feedback from them. Some even asked me if I am part of Dlive team, haha!

At the end of the day, I was just exhausted plus I was flying to China for a 3 week business trip the following morning. So, I only had one after-party drink with our fellow Steemians at the bar before heading back home.


The London Cryptocurrency Show turned out to be an amazing event all round. Was so great to see all the interest garnered for our platform and the heights it is clearly reaching. Though it was pretty tired by the end, it was all totally worth it. I left the venue feeling extremely positive and happy in regards to the future prospects of the Steem blockchain and how much room this extraordinary platform still has to grow!

Thanks and see you all soon! :)



许多Steemian也积极到场支持,包括不少从伦敦和英国各地过来的熟悉面孔,也有从更远的地方长途跋涉过来捧场的,比如说, 从荷兰来的@roelandp@exyle, 来自以色列的@techslut和来自德国的Appics 成员等等。大家叙叙旧,聊聊Steem区块链的发展和数字货币的走向。会场的气氛非常好,我感觉像是回到了去年底的SteemfestII聚会,呵呵!

Steem的宣传团队除了把展位布置得有声有色,其主要成员也在大会上发表了激动人心的演讲。Dylan (@anarchotech) 作为promo-steem的创始人之一,他的演说充满自信,既专业又有说服力!Alla (@allasyummyfood)也与我们分享了她在这个平台上的经历以及成功的故事,非常鼓舞人心!

@utopian-io 小组也来了,作为代表的@techslut 为大家介绍utopian并且与大家分享了一些让我印象深刻的数据。比如说,迄今为止,utopian 已经向社区发了超过60万SBD,为投资者提供了超过3万五千Steem。

Steempress和esteem也分别发表了演说以及他们各自发展项目的新动向。Appics 小组也在最后一刻赶上了演说。他们目前正在如火如荼地进行Appics 的推广活动,他们将会是Steem区块链上的首个智能媒体币。初次看到了他们的测试版本和功能,我觉得很不错,特别是他们的界面十分漂亮。Appics将会在今年秋季正式推出,我非常期待!




My video is at DLive


Hehe its so true I even had a few people ask me later if @rea was the creator of Dlive she done such a great job representing Dlive at the event, have a great trip I know I was ready to collapse after the day was over, I also wrote my post on the day if you get a moment check it out, see you soon!

Hey @simonjay, it was lovely to see you too and thank you for your nice comment! Will check out your blog shortly when I have a chance. :)

Awesome post! I wish I could have been there but I did get to live it vicariously through your post. Thank you for sharing with us who couldn't be there. Have a safe and successful trip!

Hello @cecicastor, thank you for your nice comment and I hope you can make it to the show next time. :)

This is awesome, Rea, love the vid! I've been loving reading everyone's posts about the event so far, it really was such an amazing day. I'm still slowly putting mine together..

Great seeing you and Ezzy for a bit. Hope your flight went smoothly! Catch up when you're back :)

Hey @redrica, likewise it was so great catching up with you too! Talk soon when I am back!

非常棒的Event - 看来,日后有机会,我也要用Dlive来做直播了 :P




Hey Rea. It looks like you had a great time! I'm from London it's a shame I missed it. I'm glad you're out there promoting DLive! I found that getting new users to see the vast potential of the Steem hard so I created : .
If you find the website useful could you use your influence to upvote it please? .
I've also just introduced myself today on Steemit as well. Excited to be part of this growing community!

@rea GUau the photos tell a lot of the event and the tshirt was a very good idea to promote DLive, please in the last blog I begged you to publish knwoledge about this DLive of course if it is possible. You are a really bussiness woman I congratulate you and keep doing so

Haha I am in your last picture in a blue shirt, too bad we didn't get to chat, as we are planning to post a lot of video content ! Hoping to meet you next time though ! =)

Hey @buttpacker, sorry I missed you at the show but I was well impressed with your funny drawing on the message board, lol. Hope to speak to you soon. :)

Hehe, them illustration skills ! :D We left early, didn't get to witness everyone's art unfortunately :( Looking forward to more meetings ! =)

That's an awesome meet-up. By the way, I noticed that you used iPhone to take the video too. How did you switch the format to mp4? I tried one, but it's failed due to the wrong format! Thanks a lot!

My phone was actually samsung S8 and I did my video editing using shotcut. :)

I c. Thank you!

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