My Keynote Presentation In Las Vegas For Steem Creators Conference p1

in #dlive6 years ago


This is part 1 of my hour long Keynote Presentation in Las Vegas For Steem Creators Conference.

I had a whole power point presentation set up to hit all the topics I wanted to and in a 1 hour window. However the projector set up malfunctioned so I had to wing the whole thing without any visuals, bullet points etc.

It wound up being very unique and insightful for living an empowered successful life.

This whole first part is a 16 minute introduction of which sets the foundation for the culmination of the presentation.

I can upload about 15 minutes before I reach the limit GB for Dlive uploads so have probably 3 more parts after this one.

I am of course wearing my hand made while leather SteemGear suit which I designed here in @gardenofeden and made out of salvaged leather with great help from @truelovelives

It is part of my SteemGear line which has over 100 designs already all hand painted/made and sustainably sourced.

I have traveled the world speaking at conferences about Steem, wearing SteemGear and inspiring random individuals to get on Steem. I live and breathe the Steem Powered Success Life!

You can find my world class SteemGear shop here! One of a kind pieces and custom orders too!

Clothing line/jewelry line I am wearing in the video here.

I am now doing 50/50 payout posts simply because the payout is more valuable that way atm, but I will be converting it all to $teem to continue my perfect record of cashing out ZERO $teem nor ever powering down, thus powering up!

I appreciate your support and am grateful to be here in the SteemVortex. I welcome any feedback you have and if you feel I am valuable to this community please share an upvote!


My video is at DLive


Such a powerful talk!! Especially considering that you didn’t have your PowerPoint to reference. Just you speaking from the heart. ♥️

Quinn is really great about just sharing what is on his heart--any moment, under ay circumstances. So glad you were there to receive and tune into the power of it @coruscate. <3

Thank you very much. It pretty much didn't go at all like planned as I was prepared for something and then had nothing haha

Grateful for the opportunity to share with so many Steemians the most valuable info I have concluded in this life thus far.

Grateful you were there and that we got to share our passion and success in Steem with so many!

It was so awesome listen to you speak. You have such a passion and charisma for what you do and it shines bright. Also... Uh where in the world did you learn to sew? That outfit is amazeballs!!!

Charisma and passion for certain!! That is how he lives his life, so just his natural way of being. Grateful to witness it with you @bunnymoney! <3

Ugh I miss you all so much already! Is it time to come for metamorphosis yet???

So much fun we shared. It was soooo great to meet you guys and ... who would have imagined we would find out about our childhood past in common.....!!!

Eden metamorphosis is being moved to sometime in June so we can take advantage of Alex Voss' documentary skills. Would be so honored to have you join us!

I know!!! I still think that's sooo insane! What a tiny little world we live in. Isn't it funny how the universe just aligns everything in the most amazing ways???

Oh my gosh! That will be sooo amazing! Even if we have to wait a little longer! I'm super excited, I have butterflies! just glad we're both in it.

Don't think we took a selfie together. Want to post something on the WJ FB page. Hmmm...what year did you tell me was your year?

I know! We need pics together! I graduated in 2008

I learned to sew like almost everything else I learned, just by using my amazing brain and trying over and over again haha so far I have been able to learn/teach my self anything I was interested in, made my first clothes as a teenager I think and sew some dolls before the age of 10 as I recall. Leather work is a LOT harder!

Hell yea! That’s awesome! I’ve been sewing just kind of basic stuff since I was around 14. I love it but still have a lot to learn. I keep telling you to go see my dang post about you! Lol no upvote required but it should give you and @saramiller a giggle

You "keep" this is the first I have heard about it!
Will go check out now! haha

FANTASTIC all around!!!! Phenomenal Presentation!!! Eden Metamorphosis here we come. Memorial Weekend get there 4 days @gardenofedan Hosted by a spectacular @quinneaker See everyone there.

You know it!!! Things just keep on getting better and better and more powerful opportunities are unfolding. So excited to see you here in the vortex @steemcafe, and getting another sip of the @quinneaker action. Magical!

extraordinary post, I like

How Pretty performance..
i crushed on you,,@quinneaker
you are so handsome and looks like a boss rosckstar

Thanks ;-)>
I am a rockstar in my own little world haha

really nice!!

Very nice post, thanks for sharing

Hopefully you threw a couple of screw hajien's into that keynote.

ahhahaa watch and you will find out!
Though I actually made a post specifically about that a couple weeks ago if you want to find it.

Wonderful talk, you have a great passion, all words are heart touching.
You are living your life with passion and it is so great.
I loved it.
Keep it up, best of luck.

Thanks, I appreciate the compliment and that this is valuable to you.

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