The Truth About Money P5:Fractional Reserve Banking, Loans, Mortgages

in #dlive6 years ago


Fractional Reserve banking does not work like you would think and is designed to make banks and global elite super rich on basically free money while sucking the wealth out to the common people.

Be sure to check out part 1-4 here on my Dlive profile as it has essential foundational knowledge about the difference between money/currency and much MUCH more.

This is a series exploring the very important topic of currency/money of which many do not even know the difference. Yet currency is one of the most if not the most influential part of our lives.

This is essential knowledge and it would be wise to check out parts 1-4 before watching this one.

I begin by describing the huge and very significant difference between money and currency. Most people are not even aware of the difference and yet use the words every day and rely on it to live.

Money/currency is one of the most influential and important facets of modern life there for one of the most important facets life to educate your self on.

I talk about the history of money/currency. The history of banking and much MUCH more.

I do a series at @gardenofeden called "Enlightened Exposure" This is a presentation I did called "The Truth About Money"
Obviously the "absolute truth" is relative however the point to this video is that there is a lot of information available to us that many people are not aware of, that is far more accurate than what the average person bases their perception on.

There are multiple parts to this video and this is part 4. I begin talking about the history of money/currency which is an important part of our perception/foundation of what money/currency is.

I talk about how banking began, about the difference between sovereigns and subject and much much more.

This is a very important topic and I hope to educate you in a way that empowers you with knowledge to improve your life.

I have traveled the world speaking at conferences about Steem, wearing SteemGear and inspiring random individuals to get on Steem. I live and breathe the Steem Powered Success Life!

You can find my world class SteemGear shop here! One of a kind pieces and custom orders too!

Clothing line/jewelry line I am wearing in the video here.

I am now doing 50/50 payout posts simply because the payout is more valuable that way atm, but I will be converting it all to $teem to continue my perfect record of cashing out ZERO $teem nor ever powering down, thus powering up!

I appreciate your support and am grateful to be here in the SteemVortex. I welcome any feedback you have and if you feel I am valuable to this community please share an upvote!


Be sure to check out this extraordinary festival, Eden Metamorphosis which will be taking place @gardeonofeden in June. Not only will it be an epic festival in it self, there will also be an internationally award winning documentary crew making a film of it!

My video is at DLive


It is so astute, so bold and so important that you are sharing truths like these. Thank you for educating me and so many others, and for standing for empowerment and truth!

there are advantages and disadvantages for the fractional reserve banking. If there are people who can capitalize on the system and make some profits, I don't see why ordinary people like you and me cannot do so too.

For President Nixon created the fake world we are in today. In the 70s the then President Nixon changed money to currency. Remember in those days our money had value since it was backed by Gold. But now on what element is the currency backed on? This is a crime against humanity and nature. Just wonder how some cabal would ganged up to rape humanity. Remember God created Gold and gold is all about value. Gold and silver have been used from beginning of early civilization and means of exchange or call it legal! tender. I see life as Garbage In - Garbage Out. The Bible says "What you sow is what you reap" America today is in a mess of itself because it triggered the time bomb back in the 70s when money deviated from the Gold standard. Imagine the situation when any Central Bank can create money out of nothing? Man is playing with gunpowder.


Certain things are to left to nature forces to control and not man. Money was never meant to be control by man. We should learn from what happened in Germany during the recession. The Mark was everywhere. I learnt it was even used in house decoration. Today why are not learning from that. Oh yes Capitalism is good but has it own downside. Today money has no value since its not backed by gold anymore. I pity the generation of the unborn. We are only heaping problems for them to come and inherit.


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