Umbrella Fail off YOLO Street (Comedy Open Mic 21)

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)



Umbrella Fail

Sounds of the Streets
Reggae Blaring in my ears
Motorcycles pass

use their umbrellas in the rain

Disco pang pangs bounce

There is no one to say this in the rain
But I caught you there with a latte
A waffle and a snack

That’s what I want
Please give me a Big Mac
That’s enough

The lights are shinin'
And rain is fallin'
Here on First Street
In Yonshinae

Let’s take a detour through the Disco Pang Pang Area
With the ChangYeon Local Smoke House
Where everybody dances eating a hot dog
holding them on the stick

Jjang-gu is a favorite here
As he punches with a bag and sings with a drag

Orak Shils are in the midst
Games rooms and PC bangs

That’s what we want after a night of inebriation
There’s no room for liberation
24 hour steak house
Galbi Ttang served

Hotels with no windows
Hotels with covers and fringes on the side

Game lands are closing
Chidrens are buying flowers

People I know pass by in the rain

The winds are blowing
And the storm I might have realized
My umbrella blown away

And I say,
“Is it worth it…
To pick up an umbrella?”

Broken but still works

A little place on the side where pedestrians are smoking
This is the place where everyone can get a drag
But I tell you it’s sad

Because the smoke house up there is empty
Not a room is open at all

Smoking Cafe.jpg

Smoking cafe kalaidescope.jpg

1 Corinthians 15:32
"If the dead are not raised, 'Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die'."

The last couple neighborhood posts were pretty popular so I tried to give a poetic neighborhood live tour. Total fail as the wind blow the top off my umbrella. If it is not the rain then it is the wind that will get you in a storm.

Calvin Umbrella.PNG

Calvin and Hobbes

My video is at DLive

I nominate @janton and @oddbot to enter a comedy post for @comedyopenmic.


You captured the mood of the city nicely. I like how you captured so many umbrellas. Quite a wind blowing your umbrella. 😊

The wind blew the top of my umbrella off so only the handle was left. I had only the tip remaining. I ended up throwing the umbrella away.

This is in Seoul? I haven't visited Seoul even once, but their windowless hotel somewhat resembled those I stayed in Busan. Their layout is like exactly the same. It's kinda windy in the video, clearly spell out the breeze! Have fun buddy.

Thanks @davidke20. I really do my best to have fun and glad you can join me in Seoul for two minutes as I loose my umbrella.

Sounds like you are having fun while creating this post!

Oh yes - Next time I do something like this I will use a mic. It was really spur of the moment. One day I will post live from my phone and it will be eye opening even to me.

haha we should definitely hang out here!

Hi @roundbeargames,
I can't stand the weather we are having. It makes people crazy. I am not immune. There was about two minutes of sunshine today.

What makes things worse is the other teachers in the office blast the a/c and my head was freezing. Luckily there are no afternoon classes today and I can use our classroom. I have a ping pong match today. The winner gets twenty dollars.

After that we are going out. I will have more time during summer vacation. I just teach a half day then. That's like in two weeks.

Keep cool and dry.

This was one of my favorire corny songs! 😂
I was blasted with so much ac i got sick last night. But i did it to myself while i was driving. Now im lying down not doing anything. I hate the summer because it gets humid and theres bugs everywhere.
Stay healthy man 😐

Haha... same ditto... That's enough Korea shit posts for me for a while. Have fun. I will keep in touch but not posting today. These are my last words on Steemit until Friday.

Just tired of it all.
Rest well.

Yes take it easy! 🤣

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