Pew the Pie

in #dlive5 years ago

I realize this is still a very sensitive subject on this blockchain of ours, and those who follow this little blog of mine, know that I was one of the loudest voices who spoke against Dlive's fiasco. That being said, I'm way past what happened and I'm more than ready to turn the page on the matter.

To put it lightly, the fact that a mega youtuber, a celebrity of that caliber has joined a blockchain, a streaming blockchain, to me marks that we are not "in the fringes" anymore, but more accurately, we are becoming the path forward. Of course I won't lie, I would much rather see the Pew on VIMM or Dtube, but It's important we don't lose sight of what really matters: The tides have turned.

More eyes, more questions

Of course this is speculative, but let's think logically about the matter. In the hypothetical scenario where I'm an investor with deep pockets, and I've been hearing about this thing called blockchain for eons, only to find that nobody is really using it, just speculating on it; How do you think these events translate?

And that is precisely why this is overall a win. We can safely assume, possibly, that more and more people will find out about the history of Dlive, and thus stumble on STEEM and this whole idea of a blockchain that can bootstrap any social app. Just like that, we can find ourselves seeing a new influx of creators, developers and investors and being the path forward to the actual valuation of this powerful blockchain.

All in all, this is a win, it may not taste like it much, at least not right this second for many hardcore Steemians, but that's because we are too emotionally invested to be really pragmatic about this whole thing.

So my friends, don't look at this like bad news, quite the opposite, think of this like an omen of things to come, and make sure you've drawn a good plan so that when they do, you are ready.



I have to agree with @shainemata that I doubt this will lead many to research @dlive history. That being said their team is helping to promote our blockchain for us on Twitter with their smugness in full effect.

Steemians visiting @OfficialDLive after the @pewdiepie announcement. 😂 #steemit

— Jimmy Lin (@imjimmyLiN) April 10, 2019

I'm just disappointed that @pewdiepie's words are going to mislead the 9 year old army. In his promotion video it says that creators keep all donations and subscriptions when that is just not true. @dlive takes a cut of all transactions on their site and gives their stakeholders (wonder who that is!?!) 9.9%. I have to wonder if he knows that or even cares....

The error you speak of is almost to be expected, these emerging economies are too complicated for most and I'm sure that if anyone at Dlive cares about the future of their endeavor, their campaign, they will address it, if they don't... well... that's gonna be terrible for the credibility (yet again)

What tokens do they have? Lino? Where can you trade them? I'm trying to figure out how much the content creators earn :)

there is still no white paper which declare all the benefit ways... at least no streamer on DLIVE knows what he earns at the end of the stream...

Vimm had the Chance to take the Place of DLIVE, but STEEMIT ignored the Activity of VIMM as it still does, we try to get a new Chance into it we created a Gamechanger , and i hope more will see what kind of DOOROPENER Vimm could be for the completely Chain of STEEM...

But we nee more Visionairs , more Believer more POWER !!

but with Cents we cant bring the BIG Fishes into the net... But what happens Investions get into bots and this Bots are the most happened way of newcomers are leaving this place...

Take a look into the Introduce posts, the diffrent frontend Pages battle each other to gain maybe a unknown...

We need to change this model We need to grab a thing and start to give it like other do...

But at the moment all yopu can see is people would sell their grandma only to get the next steppp but thats wrong...

As i said , we need people which come and make This Plattform stronger but nobody will invest when they see the bots are going to gain all the benefits like leech will get your last drop of blood...

You talked about a plan... i made mine and we included a gamechanger into the System now it depends on the possibility of believers and investors to make it great again!

and you are hustling brother, you will reap the benefits of your labor soon... patience is key!

You need to know i know a lot of Famous german streamers , with 30k and more Followers we re in contact and talking about STEEMIT VIMM and all the stuff but all the<yy see is its worth a few cent to be a streamer on VIMM or being an Active on STEEM/IT ...

It needs a big Posion of investment into the SCENE.

VIMM has never gotten the trust of STEEMIT which has shot DLIVE so that's why I just do not understand the gaming market is the most flourishing in the world and NOTHING HAPPENS, I a nobody from Germany is trying to counter it but that's just one Okay, now there's the gamechanger, an international company like Steelseries believes in my idea of ​​using VIMM and streaming on Blockchain, but that also means something has to happen, and STEEMIT still does it like VIMM do not exist at all !!

We want familiar faces, then we have to start investing, you call PEWdiPie on DLIVE but what did it cost, so I know what such a streamer costs for a year, you too?!?

The @helpie-Caster team works daily to make the system better for the streamers, but we need help. We need people on the Blockchain who believe in the system and just support us there, but unfortunately, this path is hardly one because you just with a BOT where you can get his votes Sold more.

But what else has to be worked out that one believes in the system again, maybe one should believe not only in the $ but the possibility that arises, then yes we can thrive.

I read again and again how much is invested ... But somehow the platform is on the spot the progressive system which STEEMIT had offered was with HF 20 sorry but thrown back by 2-3 years instead of bringing it forward.

Planets are sold in a GAME for 2000 and more Steem, but a platform like VIMM remains externalized is a bit like the overall unit boil ...

It is always said hey You just have to wait for a whale to find you ... But if the chain itself STEEM does not believe in you then how should someone else do it ...

So dear STEEM TEAM where are you and why your interest in this market fails ??? The games industry is one of the few branches of the market economy that keeps on rising but is completely ignored here.

Let's go, I stand by anyone who wants to be in a conversation and open the possibility to speak with the currently most active grouping in the streaming area (on Steemit) about the possibilities.

Your a definitely right @vimm is working nearly 1 Year to close the gap that dlive made. We ( i speak for vimm ) are proud that our community is great and proud of all our delegators.
But to change something we need more Trust of the Steem Community and more Trust of Steem !

@elipowell please consider to help vimm and steemit. We are not greedy but a 4 to 5 % delegation of the Summ that Dlive got from Steem would help alot !

And for all people out their that say we stream or invest not in Vimm because no VOD .
Ask yourself why their are no VOD? Right because we cant Afford the Space that VOD`S would cost .

I know because im a believer and i know to grow big you have to go lil steps...

STEEM Whales should help onboard YouTube celebrities because that will create large attention. Steemit and other STEEM sites and DApp can benefit too because those celebrities usually rank high in Search Engines.

But, I realized that it was better to onboard the 'oldskool' way with Email and Password. They can use the Wallet with additional blockchain benefits underneath it.

I guess I liked my experience registering to DLive on Lino chain and Trybe on EOS even if I Love STEEM more. That is a fact.

The seed is planted and it could ultimately lead to more attention and attraction to decentralized communities that provide options to those seeking them. It is only a matter of time when Steem is included in that short list!

Posted using Partiko iOS

The problem here is Lino is not a crypto currency, and DLive doesn't operate a decentralized block-chain. It seems, from what I can tell, just to be a centrally controlled ERC20 token. Kind of like if Twitch decided to track their twitch bits (or whatever they call 'em) with an ERC20 token on a test-net! It also smells a lot like a ponzi scheme and if it does turn out to be a ponzi then this headline news will turn into bad press for crypto and other truly decentralized efforts.

Hey, people are finding out about your article you did back in the day :)Dlive.jpg

Personally I'm really worried what this can lead to if Dlive turns out to be the scam it looks like atm. This could really put off a lot of people never wanting to deal with blockchain again.

I honestly believe they made the right move because lets face it steemit still has not launched on its promises of SMT and at this rate I don't think they ever will. Look at how much further they have come by doing it. I hate to say it but steem is lacking here in terms of substance being released on the blockchain they had so much freakin money and time and legit NOTHING came from it. 4 Months into this year and I still dont see much other then some ads and a wallet that is kind of a pain in the ass to go back and froth between steemit and the wallet. I'm not trying to be a negative nancy it just ticks me off when no action or hardly any action is taken.

That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for STEEM.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I don’t think too many people will look into the history of DLive. However, this could warm people towards blockchain. Once they start seeing the benefits, they will expect other platforms to provide the same or similar.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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