Ulog 20 - Steem Egg Business

in #dlive6 years ago


It was hot today in San Diego!! Like sweat dripping hot! I was out, working in the garden - mostly watering to make sure that nothing was going to die today. But I also got into getting rid of some invasive grass when my body told me to stop. Like right now.
I did and drank a lot of water. While sweating away on my back porch, I had the brilliant idea to start a little - and we are talking very small here- business and sell my awesome eggs for Steem or SBD. Partly that was inspired by thinking about what to post for #marketfriday. I ended up writing a post about my own market 😄
Here it is if you care to check it out: https://steemit.com/marketfriday/@mariannewest/buy-beyond-organic-eggs-with-steem-or-sbd
The video also has a dog story - there are always dog stories 😂
Here is the YouTube version if you can't open the DLive version

My video is at DLive


Please be careful out in the heat Marianne. I live near the ocean and I can hardly handle it. I'm up to two showers a day, one before work and one after just so I'm comfortable when I go to bed. That's restaurant life, especially in the summer. I couldn't handle working outside like some dining establishments do around here plus the flying insects are on the rampage. Sounds great, doesn't it? Hope you're having a great evening

Thank you for your concern and your well wishes. I was careful :) and it gets hot in restaurants for sure!!

Uggg... Insects!!! I get bitten by everything LOL - eating outside under insect attack wouldn't be my idea of fun LOL

Hopefully you're feeling right today. I work in a restaurant that has no view and it sits between a convenience store and liquor store and we are considered the best in the area for food and service. We beat out the ones with a view and entertainment. Not bad for a little hole in the wall sharing a parking lot with a gas station. LoL

Thank you so much. It is much less hot today - which is good. We have a lot of fires burning in the county (not close by. But it is so early for fire season to be upon us)

Seems like hurricane season here. We've had two affect us directly in the last two years. I've only been back in my home for about four months after having it gutted and redone after it flooded a little bit. Nature can be a beast

Oh no!! Nature can be a beast and it seems to be getting worse. We are messing with things too much!!
Hope that you will stay dry from here on out!

It's sad really and sickening that the current government wants to strip and dissolve the environmental protection agency. Maybe it needs to be streamlined but they are definitely going in the wrong direction

This is a great idea! I recently lost a large portion of my flock, so sad, but luckily had a mother hen on a clutch from that flock so now I have a mama and three babies to start it all over again. Good luck with your sbd for eggs

I am so sorry to hear that!! But yay for having some babies! Hope they all turn out to be girls...

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