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RE: On being truly humbled by the wisdom of the steemit crowd

in #dlive6 years ago

Straight from the bottle; a man after my own heart :)

I went back and read your "Why I Quit Teaching" post and not-so-oddly-enough, those are pretty much the same reasons I quit teaching in Canada. I taught high school for many years (ages13-18 ish) and loved the majority of it, but the politics eventually sent me packing.

This says so much,

Reason 9 - the bullshit positive pyschology movement is hikacking the education system-

I spent the last 10 years of my career at a Fine Arts School (Grade 1 - Grade 12/ 5 year olds-18 year olds); there were so many great things about that place, but let me tell you, the artsy folks bought into that "positive psychology movement" hook, line and sinker!

Your comment on your own post didn't go over my head either...that guy with his $500+ intro post (a collection of photos with him holding a sign ugh!), and yours being quadruple hit by @curie, @ocd, @steemiteducation and @sndbx-alpha not even coming close to that total, is so so telling.

Why isn't everyone up in arms, or at the very least, swiggin' from the bottle too? :)

Have a look at this post by @denmarkguy and his "modest proposal to solve the trending page issue". I think it's something you will find interesting ;)



Interesting to hear that you've 'left the building too'. Thankfully none of my department buy into that positive psychology BS, they're all way too deep for that, and I've got a few cynical old lefties in their 40s yet to hold the fort with.

I've settled on the strategy of just avoiding the trending pages.... part of the reason I did the post is because (a) I want to do one weekly vlog and (b) while down the pub I got my 4th community upvote and then (c) the line about 'wisdom of the crowd' which @ned used in that recent video gave me a title... I wasn't ever intended to do a sarcy/ ranty video but a conflation of factors just sort of fell into place.

I'm actually quite into personal-vlogging as a thing now, I quite enjoy it!

I will check out that post at some point for sure.

"I left the building" partially because of politics, but truthfully, when we found out my husband had cancer and the writing was on the wall, so to speak, I simply decided that my time was better spent elsewhere...with him. We moved from Canada to Mexico and here we are :)

I too just avoid the Trending pages; it's way too controversial and superficial for me to get too worked up about, but your post focused on the irony of if all...something I just couldn't ignore.

Vlogging. Hmmm. Does it surprise you that you like it? It's something I have not considered, and I'm not sure I will. I will have to unpack that one later because I don't really know why haha but I am curious as to why you "quite enjoy it" :)

Cheers to 'leaving the building'. There's an Elvis reference there somewhere :)

Definitely the right move to quit then, sorry to hear about your husband. Cancer gets so many people, half of family died of it when I was a child, and then many more since, it's grim, but acceptance and making the most of the time lief is the only way to go with it!

As the vlogging (sounds a bit trivial going back to it) it makes you think a bit harder and cut all the crap out when in the process of scripting.. and it makes you think differently too.


Thank you for that; live life in the now. That's all you can do.

And no, your vlogging is not trivial was trivial before haha. Just kidding, it's something I keep thinking about, but it never seems to go any further. I totally understand having to "cut all the crap out" though. Maybe that's what's holding me back :)

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