Calling all anime fans!! 動漫粉絲快來看看!

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Calling all anime fans!! I'm sure you guys and girls will love this place! This is the Painted Animation Lane in Taichung Taiwan.

動漫粉絲! 大家快來看看! 我相信你一定會喜歡這條台中的動漫彩繪巷。

Whenever I come here, and that's normally when I have visitors, there's always a group of people here taking photos. It's not just tourists, many locals like to come here as well as Taiwanese youngsters loves to take photos.

當我有朋友來台灣探訪我時,我經常都會帶他們到動漫彩繪巷 。這裏不單是遊客的景點,當地年青人也很愛來拍照。

The lane isn't very long, probably around 20 to 30 meters at most, and lots of colourful cartoons are painted on both sides of the wall. In fact they get refreshed quite often as I noticed some of them weren't here when I came last time.

動漫彩繪巷大概有20多米長 ,牆壁兩邊畫上七不少彩鮮艷的卡通人物。


In my video, you can see the full length of the lane, including a house in the middle of the lane which has painted a really cute Conan Doyle on the side of its front door. To be honest, I don't know many cartoons. All I recognise is Superman, Popeye, Bugs Bunny, Super Mario and Totoro. And if you can't view yhe dlive video you can also view it here on youtube.

在我的視頻裏我會帶大家遊覽整條動漫彩繪巷。巷弄中間還有一家房子在前門旁邊畫上一個很可愛的柯南。 其實我對動漫的認識不多, 在巷弄裏認得出只有超人,大力水手,賓尼兔,超級瑪利奧和龍貓。視頻另外可以在youtube也看到

If you reocognise any others in my video or photos, leave me a comment telling me who they are and when in the video or which photo they appear. I will upvote your comment back. Hurry up whilst my voting power is still quite high as I write!!

如果你從視頻或照片中認出其他的卡通人物,你可以告知我在視頻那個時候,或是那一張照片中見到誰嗎? 我會點讚你的回覆。趁我現在點讚力蠻高,大家快點來玩呀!

Check out all my travel posts here or visit Steemit Worldmap

My video is at DLive




I don't know many more than the Looney Tunes characters! Yosemite Sam and Wiley Coyote, Marvin the Martian, Tweetie Bird and Tazmanian name a few! That is a pretty cool street. Thanks for sharing. It looks like you found it with no people around which is probably a pretty impressive feat. :) Really cool!

That's quite a few more than what I know!!



Are these done by professionals?? Very nice!!
From your video
One piece
Kuroko no basket
Looney tunes
Mr bean
Gundam ??
Detective Conan
Super mario
One piece
Various characters from Jump

My word!!! How do you know so many?!! 😯

Not sure who does them to be honest, just know they get refreshed every now and then and new ones get added in


聽都沒聽過呀 😥

第二張照片裏有叮噹(多啦A夢)沒人說嗎?還有Minions 呢!


哈哈! 最喜歡那個海綿寶寶椅子

椅子也是呀? 😥



好有趣 以前听个台中的朋友说起过 想去看看 👀 😄 原来你们那里叫“賓尼兔” 我澳洲第一个女房东超爱兔八哥 家里贴满了 连给我的钥匙上都印了兔八哥 😂

賓尼兔是香港直譯 Bugs Bunny,國內叫甚麼?

叫兔八哥 😄

LOVE the colours and the art!!! There must be Sailor Moon on the wall somewhere? Never been to Taiwan, but it's on the list!! It's got to be a tourist in your own country sometimes, guests make you get out of the house and explore your own city!! :) - Upvoted!

Did you see the sailormoon in the video?

有我喜欢的华纳动画片里的兔八哥、大嘴怪、太菲鸭,满满的童年回忆呢 !

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