We Try Cheese Containing The World's Hottest Pepper

in #dlive6 years ago


My wife frequently makes the drive to a town called Muddy Pond, Tennessee to shop the stores in the Mennonite Community. Most of the trips are to replenish our favorite popcorn called Rainbow Popcorn. It's a mixture of red, white yellow, and midnight blue popcorn.

The last few trips my wife has come home and told me about the Carolina Reaper Cheddar Cheese that is sold by the slice but it's always sold out.

She knows I love hot stuff so she went ahead and bought A BLOCK of cheese for me to try.

What is the Carolina Reaper?

Original Source by Kouya


  • Can be 800X hotter than a Jalapeno
  • Gloves are recommended when handling
  • Scoville heat units (SHU): 1,400,000 – 2,200,000

I've never tried anything with this type of pepper. I didn't know what to expect when Kari brought out the block of Carolina Reaper Cheese. It was fun to have the rest of the family join in on the pain with me.

In the video, you can hear me telling the girls that I can't film them because they don't have shirts on. There is an interesting story behind that. The three children were all outside playing in the water sprinkler and wanted to come inside. During the process of taking off wet clothes, I was asked by the kids' cousin, Mashayla, if it was ok for her to wear a pair of Frankie's boxer shorts around the house and no shirt. The girls really look up to their older brother/cousin.

They were just going to be in the house, so it wasn't an issue with me. It wasn't very much time later and my daughter appears with a pair of boxers on and a pink top(it reminded me of a bikini top) she needed tied because she wanted her chest covered up.

Kari arrived home about an hour later with the cheese and the Road To Pain started.

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My video is at DLive


Caution, may cause eye and skin irritation lmao. NO THANKS =p

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