
I got GGG, he won the last one and I think he'll win again. I have been 3 for 3 in calling the last 3 fights, and bet on 2 of those and won. The 3rd one I could not get to Vegas in time to place the bet.... it was for Mikey Garcia vs Easter....I picked Porter over DSG and won while picking Crawford to win by knockout in 91/2 rounds over Horn, and won that too!
Believe it or not though, as for the tainted meat, I do believe him.
I have a friend who has family down in Mexico, where Canelo is from. His family owns large parcels of land with many heads of cattle, and when I was there years ago, I was told by the land/cattle owner himself about the use of antibiotics such as clenbuterol.
I remember him specifically telling us that people in the North of Mexico don't like meat with antibiotics, but people in the south of Mexico like the taste with. Crazy but true. So he has land for one set of cattle and another for the ones with the antibiotics.
I believe he( Canelo) is clean and always has been, but in the end who knows but them and God.

Nice streak:) I am not too huge on boxing but I enjoy a great dynamic fight, will def tune in. Yeah kinda crazy when you think about it but people do the dumbest things to get an edge, I ain't judging Canelo but as a pro he should know the diet is 50% of the preparation. If it happens again, he's screwed.

It shouldn't happen since now he knows not to eat meat when down there... or at least not to go down there during training/testing. He normally trains in San Diego, CA, so if he sticks to that he should always be good.

I got GGG anyways, hopefully we see a great fight:)

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