The Daily Owl, Ep. 17: I can understand why many don't want to be labeled as being "libertarian" anymore

in #dlive6 years ago


Wow. There really are a lot of simple minded, brutal, boneheaded “libertarians” out there, aren’t there?

I am starting to understand even more clearly why many have abandoned the label.

Have been laughed at by “voluntaryists” in the past few days for suggesting that children should not be abused, and that incinerating 200,000 innocent people with atomic bombs was not “necessary.”

I've even been criticized for not supporting caricatures such as Donald Trump.

A lot of keyboard “rebels.” Look! I can talk tough on the internet, you "soy boy snowflake!"

Really makes me appreciate all the true believers who came to voluntaryism through their own original thinking and “merciless” application of logic.

The rest of you are more sheep-y than you were before you made the jump, I’m afraid.

Stay behind your keyboards. Keep making excuses for your own unhappiness.

The rest of us got shit to do, man!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

My live stream is at DLive


Just of late, the world has gotten so crazy and I have felt so isolated that I wish somebody could come along and demonstrate to me how wrong I am about free-market classical liberal thinking. I'd love to be wrong. It would be a lot less lonely.

I hear you my friend. "Unfortunately," I am afraid you are right.

"merciless” application of logic.

I remember a pivotal conversation with @burntoblog after 12 hours of training at the range. We were beyond exhausted, as is the case with some of the best talks we've had. Bouncing ideas back and forth we discovered that there were and are parts of ourselves that have to be cut out and killed in the brutal pursuit of objectivity and Truth.

My personal development hinged on that thought for quite some time, but I admit it has slowed recently.

One of these days I'll tune in for a dlive broadcast. My internet connection here is absolute shit, so I can only see a few seconds every minute.

...we discovered that there were and are parts of ourselves that have to be cut out and killed in the brutal pursuit of objectivity and Truth.

Yes. Exactly what I meant. Thanks for this.

No worries on the broadcast. I always appreciate the commentary, either way.

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