The Daily Owl, Ep. 16: Alex Jones: Teasing apart the issue and addressing lazy arguments on all sides.

in #dlive6 years ago



This is a more difficult issue to tease out I think, than the usual BS, for a few reasons:

  • Alternatives to mainstream social media do exist and part of the “blame” rests on individual market actors refusing to shift attention to other, more fair and censorship resistant platforms.

  • The extant, popular options (Facebook, Twitter, etc) have agreements and can legally do whatever they want, and are state-embedded, securing unfair, non-free-market (coercion based) advantage, while simultaneously being part “private,” ("hybrid") thus confusing Voluntaryist perception.

  • This whole thing could just be another bullshit distraction to cause sensation, as Jones is on the radar of the state and could very arguably be controlled opposition.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

My live stream is at DLive


Enjoyable. You had original thought in there, and didn't pick a pre-existing stance.

I haven't commented on the Jones thing yet because there are so many nuances to cover.


I'll leave this here because I find this hilariously entertaining:

That is a great clip. I've not seen it before. I don't know what to make of Alex Jones but there is no doubt that even if he is a gatekeeper or controlled opposition, he certainly drops some interesting information. I should probably watch Kafta's video now ;-)

Very, very interesting.

Seriously, though.

What annoys me about libertarians when it comes to stuff like this (and I think I've posted about this, too) is that too often all they have to say is: "A private company has the right to blah blah blah."

Yeah, I know. And I've been a libertarian for God knows how long, I don't need to be told that.

Usually what I ask a person is how does he or she personally feel about something like this. Not whether or not a company has the right to do A, B, or C.

But it always devolves into: "In a free market, a company has the right to..."

Even though that was never even the question.

I personally think that a company has the right to sugarcoat things in their advertising for products, but, on a personal level, I can find outright lying about stuff like that to be despicable.

There's a difference between individual self-ownership and personal taste.

And the above is lost on a lot of libertarians.

There's basically two ways to approach any topic, I am starting to believe:

As a programmed robot


As yourself, with knowledge, but willing to entertain an argument you yourself may not necessarily agree with in the end.

Just how much marijuana did Alex Jones consume before he started this rant, I wonder. :)

I think he is a clown, but i sympathize because youtube demonetized my channel and there was nothing i could do about it. I made videos thinking I could make money off them for years and then bam all of a sudden they said i didn't qualify anymore. It's some real top down bullshit, like they are the parent and I am the kid. I was only small fish, some people had their full time job taken away. So while I don't like Alex Jones, I also don't like youtubes arbitrary decisions either.

I hear you. My account was demonetized as well, and you raise some very valid points, as always.

When dtube or dlive or someone makes a video platform that gives rewards forever, not just for a week, it's going to be a game changer

I was actually wondering why we dont have payouts after the week? It would be so easy, just make 1 week, a month, 3 month and each year from there.

It would not even be needed for the comments, just posts

The desire to misinformation the masses is rooted in democracy.

In a proper anarchistic world I would not have to care how misinformed people are. But I have to live in democracy where the stupid miss-informed masses are used as a weapon of control.

In a free market facebook should be able to censor in any way they like, but there should also be no democracy so it doesnt matter anymore. I can just not sign up and continue with my life.

Now is do not need to sign up, but I still feel the consequences of the actions planned by facebook.

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