The Daily Owl, Ep. 23: SMT Release Date Announced; Taking the Power Back (did we ever have it in the first place?)

in #dlive6 years ago


In order for quality to be rewarded, foundationally, there must be a society or userbase which cares for quality.

In order for there to be a society or userbase which values quality, the individuals compromising said group or society must of course, primarily, value quality.

It could be that the "revolution" is right around the corner. It could also be that the majority of humans just aren't interested in that yet.

If this all sounds a bit cryptic, please forgive me. Tune in LIVE and perhaps I can better elucidate my position on these matters!

See ya in the chat box!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

My live stream is at DLive


This goes back to what I've been saying about libertarianism.

Freedom alone is not enough, in my opinion. Freedom is merely a tool. A very good tool. But a high quality society requires a certain type of culture. Otherwise, it's going to suck.

Furthermore, you can look at contrarians being shut down on YouTube, Twitter, etc. and how can libertarianism combat that? It can't because private entities can de-platform individuals on a whim, and it's completely in keeping with libertarianism.

The problem is that a certain type of culture - the snowflake culture in this case - makes it profitable to shut down opinions deemed too dangerous. Or rather, makes it unprofitable to associate with these opinions.

And Steemit, I believe, has shown that people will rather follow the money than have integrity in a free market if the culture allows it.

It can't because private entities can de-platform individuals on a whim, and it's completely in keeping with libertarianism.

And without state regulation, we'd all be free to go elsewhere, and the market would be able to provide plenty of other, more viable, non-state-embedded options.

Let the snowflakes have their commune. That's fine. What must be abolished in the masses of individuals is the belief that the "snowflakes" have a "special right" to power and arms, that others don't. This is a religion.

Freedom is not a tool, but a reality. Like a blockchain. On top of that "blockchain" is the objective fact that in order to minimize violent conflict in a given society, the individual-based property norm is needed. If folks also want to build malware and retarded systems on top of the blockchain of freedom, so be it. Fine. The issue is their religion that others must follow suit.

The system as it stands now is founded upon violence.

As a voluntaryist I am saying "Violence exists, regardless. But we should at least not found the system on violence. This is common sense, which most sheep have forgotten.

And Steemit, I believe, has shown that people will rather follow the money than have integrity in a free market if the culture allows it.

Over time, it will fail (the market will work) if quality continues to be denigrated. Mark my words.

And the market would be able to provide plenty of other, more viable, non-state-embedded options.

What makes you so sure? If there’s no money in it.

Why would there be no money in it, in a free market? There already is tons of money in it. The synthetic state-created monopoly forces the money into a few state-approved options.

If the culture is such that it prefers platforms that cater to SJWs.

They don’t even have to be a majority. It’s just that all it takes is for one SJW to threaten to call a company racist, and the company has absolutely no choice but to comply to the left’s every wish.

Such is their grip on culture.

That’s also why I’ve begun to believe that we first need a violent revolution.

I know you don’t agree, and that’s fine.

If the culture is such that it prefers platforms that cater to SJWs.

They don’t even have to be a majority. It’s just that all it takes is for one SJW to threaten to call a company racist, and the company has absolutely no choice but to comply to the left’s every wish.

Such is their grip on culture.

That’s also why I’ve begun to believe that we first need a violent revolution.

I know you don’t agree, and that’s fine

Absolutely agree.

I don't give a crap about the Steem community, people censor themselves here. Just look at the DTube videos, the dead Discord chats where most conversations are "Hi good morning, good evening" and always positive.

Once it starts to get controversial everyone turns silent or nobody chats in the first place.

Everyone here for the money, don't expect anyone here to be legit.

Should be obvious, but I was naive enough to think people really cared about what I said or did here in the past.

I learned a lot about humans here on Steem, especially about manipulation.

I'll be your friend.

Do you have discord?

They don’t even have to be a majority. It’s just that all it takes is for one SJW to threaten to call a company racist, and the company has absolutely no choice but to comply to the left’s every wish.

Yep, in the current statist culture that is true. The violent monolopy synthetic “culture” I see on the news though does not match the real world opinion I see and hear, which to me is evidence of a false narrative.

The only reason SJWs can really leverage this so hard now is because of the state.

As for violent revolution, I am not for violating anyone, but I am for self-defensive force where appropriately applied.

While we all want quality not everything depends on it. It would be nice if producing great content was the biggest factor to being rewarded but that will never be the case.

Power, popularity or luck can all have more bearimg on your payout than what you have produced. Maybe the balance will sway over time but it would take a huge shift in how the site runs to get this.

While we all want quality not everything depends on it.

In the long term it does, actually. With no quality every endeavor falls flat, on a long enough timeline.

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