in #dlive6 years ago



You know I look at life these days. and i wonder why I'm lucky to see the sun rays. God's mercies are infinite man's carelessness are infinite. We ignite a burning fire under a bushel and blame God for famine when men refused to go to farm and choose landmines and bloody gold mines where are the pine over our apples? Are we cattles for rattle snakes to feed? We cook hatred within and confess love without, we castigate the guilty and criminals but haven't we all gone that lane of guilty criminals within us? We're saints because our sins aren't exposed but what is the different between us an saints with exposed secrets?

We've preached against the danger of guns but our speeches are enough to send other to their graves aren't we elevated hypocrites with egotistic hubris? Our pains are man made but God takes the blame for allowing bombings and killings.
Self pity doesn't even cost a shillings a feeling of love doesn't even weight a ton but we are blind men when we need to see and become telescopes when we need to be blind and embrace other's weaknesses hasn't man failed?

We're all fighting for a cause to stay alive stay away from other people's curses. Even nurses now have lackadaisical attitudes in their purses how can we even reach high altitudes? We're benevolent amongst multitudes but monsters in solitudes. we crave the love of others but God has given us love and salvation but we call Jesus's name as an exclamation and refuse to acknowledge his selfless sacrifices isn't this being selflessly selfish?

I can't help it, I want to cry but the world will feel I've faked it I need to use figures of speeches to hide my fraustation at people doing speeches of figures I try to play with pun dry my tears and play my part but my heart is heavy at the failure of man.

Can we still be brethren when we can't even share a bread and a hen together in a table, why gather at a table when we make each other uncomfortable? Why share a handshake that signifies bond when we can't eat vegetables cooked by our fellows yet we claim fellowship.


My video is at DLive


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