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RE: Ulog 18 - Personal Independence Day

in #dlive6 years ago

Hi, @mariannewest, thanks so much for sharing this story with us. Seeing @dynamicrypto's contest prompted me to revisit this post of yours. It puts in perspective a bit for me as I had a business failure as well in the past (also a bit over 9 years ago coincidentally). However, thankfully there was no health issues involved for me - I can't imagine how much harder those times would have been. Anyway, we move on to bigger and better things.

I really just wanted to thank you for what you do with the #freewrite. It took me a few days after someone recommended I give it a go before I actually did. Now I love it, and have found a terrific, supportive community to be a part of. Steemit to me is all about communities, and you certainly have fostered a nice one. Thank You.





Thank you so much, John.
I am so happy that you joined the freewriters!! And I do think that it has become a lovely community.

The funny- sad thing is that I was doing well with the business I was running but had loaned out so much money which never came back and the business wasn't doing well enough to support that debt. And it was a lot of work!!

What are you doing now?

My business experience was more about my own shortcomings, combined with bad timing. Way back in my blogs from weeks ago, I made a couple of posts about it. What am I doing now - quite apt given todays freewrite topic - I have sold out. I work as a night manager for a big Australian supermarket chain. Long hours, but stability for my family for now.

I think thats why I am enjoying steemit so much and particularly the freewrites, I have sold my soul for a salary, but at least here it feels like I do still have a soul, and some creativity is being discovered.

I agree with @mariannewest, @jk6276, taking care of your family is a high calling and doing what you have to do for now while you find other more soul-satisfying ways, is both serving Life Itself and a practical, daily expression of love.

I salute you and know that when it is time, you will create a form of expressing your gifts and talents that also allows you to take care of yourself and your family. Blessings to you. xxx


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I did find your blog and commented but forgot that I was in the Freewritehouse account 😊

And it is not selling out your soul when you find a way to support your family. You are doing what it takes.

Agreed onSteemit being a good outlet for creativity and we can always hope that someday, it will be profitable as well :)

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