Improve your @DLive live stream!

in #dlive6 years ago


What’s up DLiver's!

As a disclaimer, this is NOT an official DLive blog post and this is my own personal opinion.

I’m going to touch on a subject that I’ve seen quite frequently on Discord, Steemit comments and personal messages to me.

What can I do to improve my stream?

Aside from the basics of having good video quality, and audio that won’t damage someone’s ear drums when they enter your stream, here are some of the things that I feel are important.



Watching a streamer without a microphone is like watching television or a movie, but the characters are muted.

If you don’t currently have a microphone, get one! You don’t need a high end studio recording microphone, the microphone on your headset is good enough.

What makes a stream fun is hearing the communication. If you’re playing games on Discord with your friends I’m sure there are some awesome moments that are hilarious, and those should be shared with your viewers.

If you want an example of this, I was playing FortNite with @imjohnnymills yesterday morning and he died early (as he always does) but if I review the VOD, his communication is what made my stream entertaining. I had my own personal hype man, hyping me up enough to get a win. The VOD can be found here and the action starts at 12 minutes.

If you are playing a game solo or doing an activity, try narrating what you are doing. Your viewers can maybe learn a game, or a skill just by watching your stream. Who knows, you could potentially download your VOD afterwards and snip it into a tutorial video without having to record again.

Thank your viewers!


Find a tool that will show your upvotes in real time. I’m currently using @GINAbot, but there are other tools out there. If someone upvotes you, thank them using your microphone. When you think about people who use other platforms that donate, they want the streamers recognition, that’s why they do it. If someone upvotes you or donates to you and you reply in chat “Thank you”, it doesn’t mean as much. Let that person know you appreciate them, and let all your other viewers know you appreciate them.

Have some FUN!


Streaming should be fun but I’ve seen so many sad faces on webcams when I enter streams. Why is that?

@DLive is giving you the opportunity to do what you like or maybe love to do, and get recognized for it. This should be fun! Laugh a little bit, smile more.

I hope this helps you on your live streaming journey. If you have any questions or comments leave them in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!


communication is what made my stream entertaining

That right there is something to really take into consideration. You might play a boring game, with a mediocre quality stream, but if you put enough effort into the communication that you put forth into your stream, that just might make your stream top-quality, although playing a boring game with a mediocre quality.

Great tips @Jimmylin! Thanks for sharing

Spoken like a true DLive Star :P

You da best! =P

jimmylin , you came out of nowhere and you are killing it in Steem with stunning content. This truly shows that when one is dedicated success does not take long to follow.

jimmylin is a straight shooter and I am glad to see that he continues to give solid advice.

Thanks for the kind words @bangbang.

this is a very good suggestion for me as a beginner stream. thank you for sharing useful tips @jimmylin, I love you opinion.

Sometimes on streams i’m not show sad face, but my focus face, look like ugly face haha
Agree with you, streamer need to build communication with viewers, and if we want to make stream fun, find another friend to play together. I think the stream will be fun :)

For realtime upvote, we just need to wait for Dlivelabs :)

I will wait for another pro tips from you :) @jimmylin

I feel you on the focus face, I know that one all too well.

Yea nice idea ! (:

All agreed after the most complicated is to talk all the time even when there is no one chatting :( ^^ For that I try to play with friends or others when I can ^^

Yeah playing with friends is always the best, but there are some good solo things you can do and just narrate to keep people interested :P

I have over 2,500 hours of streaming on twitch and the problem is that over time I've lost the habit of talking alone:( I talk only when someone talks in the chat:(

@alucare Yeah its tough chatting to yourself

Get hype baby! Pretend like there is 10,000 people in there and get #littttttt lol (But I hear you.)

I can recommend the blue yeti microphone on the photo really anyone one of the best I think lg

It's the one I am using right now and I have no complaints :P

The communication is huge. At first I'd find myself mute for like 20 minutes and think how boring it is. Then I decided to try commenting on each decision I made in the game which ended making for more communication between me and the chat making the stream more enjoyable for both parties :)

Keep it up man. At the very least if no one is watching, you'll have yourself a funny ass VOD :P

Thanks so much for sharing :) i'm loving dlive so far i haven't started live streaming yet but i want to start in the near future as a singer it's been something i have wanted to do for awhile :)

I look forward to your first live stream :)

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