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RE: maneco64 on Dlive

in #dlive6 years ago

hello, maybe stretch the screen? or add a display? and be careful with the microphone, turn off the sound in the browser so it doesn't refeed into the recording


well it works, no worries you got this, you did fine with the test :P don't worry so much ...

check your OBS what you see on that window is what will show on the stream,

The settings look fine, the quality is great, good luck with the streams :)

Hi @j3dy, It seems like I was getting an echo when I spoke. What do you mean about the sound in the browser? Does OBS have its own microphone so I need to turn the volume right off on my PC?

Hi @j3dy, Do I keep the volume up on the OBS application and turn the volume down on my PC to stop getting the echo? Thanks.

You're welcome,

The sound feedback loop is happening from the speakers and the microphone, so if you have the stream playing sound in your browser that sound will come from the speakers a second time then get caught from the microphone and a loop will happen.

The volume in OBS controls the recording volume so try to keep the bars in the green, in yellow it will get choppy and the reds will get really crunchy, you need the sound there if you are streaming it i don't think OBS is playing the sound so that's not causing the issue, of course if you have no sound there will be no problem but for your videos it's going to be hard, you are talking after all

Just don't play your stream with sound when you have the microphone on, the same feedback loop happens with graphics, I have a gif of my screen where I'm just recording my screen and it's falling through on itself, so I just moved the mouse and it was quite funny.

So yeah if your mic is playing in the speakers turn it off. OBS volumes affect the recording and the stream in this case, if you are playing your stream and dlive automatically does that when you "go live", there will be sound, just mute it and it should be fine since there will be no looping sound, or close the page until you are done streaming.

It's really simple, sorry for over complicating it :D

another tip, what you see in OBS is what you get when you stream so preview and or do a few test recordings if you are setting up, I could help you out, but you should be fine, when you add the webcam source and if that's all you will show you can just stretch it out over the whole screen, if you are going to show the browser I'd suggest adding a different "scene" then display source or window, just keep in mind that you are sharing the screen, so yeah you can switch the scenes, ok it gets complicated if you add in different scenes and switching, a bit at least, you have to alt tab and click the scenes or setup hotkeys.

OBS is simple but functions add up I suppose, tell me if you have questions, I think I went a bit too overboard :D but if you need help I won't mind, we could chat and I could help you set-up the scenes, since you are new to this.

I'm kind of wondering what you used to record before :P

btw they have a nice landing page now as well, you can check out the dlive tutorials, it's probably what you've done already. How did it go by the way? Are you streaming fine, OBS looking simpler for you?

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