How I Feel

in #dlive6 years ago


I'm always amazed by how much background noise a little cell phone will pick up. There was a football game going on down the road and the announcer was louder on the recording than in real life. So I tried to EQ it and now it this....


So I work on Steemit every day.....all day...
If I'm not working at my RL life job or having tea and crumpets with my cats, I'm on Steemit or Discord.

I usually put out one post a day, but most of what I do is spend my time and my Steem working on initiatives to help other people.

It can be draining when you are working hard to help others and in return, you get messages from people who are unhappy or suggesting that you should be doing more.

And I get it. People are worried and upset with the Market being what it is. That type of fear usually coincides with a scarcity mindset where you can only see the negative and it's really hard to actually see anything positive.

When that happens you have to fight through it to find your way to the light....with love and gratitude.

And it's difficult.

Maybe it sounds like I'm having a pity party.
If I am, then you can be assured that it's a pretty kitty pity party.

I love all the people that I've met here and I'm grateful and hopeful for the future...
But lately I'm just feeling mentally and emotionally drained.....exhausted.....and somewhat deflated.

My video is at DLive


well.. speaking of gratitude.. im very grateful for you, for your kindness, for your talent and I'm even grateful for Shane believe it or not.

You guys are a big part of my little journey..

Much love to you both

I am grateful for you too Meno. You are inspiring and wonderful.❤️

Oh, my dear....I really, truly feel you. This place can swallow you whole if you're not careful. It can be sooo wonderfully nourishing and simultaneously drain the life-force right outta you.

I simply cannot imagine who would ever perceive you as not doing enough. What planet are they on?! Do they not see/observe the same Isaria that I see?

Yesterday, I noticed that I hadn't seen you around much for the past couple days. I was actually happy, imagining you taking some well-deserved time for yourself.

Perhaps my little bit of cheerleading can't entirely erase the grumpy nay-sayers, but hopefully it helps a little to know that I very much admire you and recognize just how much you do for this place...and all of us.

BTW....I'm munching some Cheezits right your honor. ;) Wish I could share them with you and your pretty pity kitty.

xo • zippy


Thank you so much Zippy! I haven't been around much because I've been sleeping a lot. I'm completely exhausted. I need to let some things go because the stress is affecting my health. And thank you for the beautiful pic.....I appreciate your artistic beauty. Enjoy your Cheezits!❤️

YES! Sleep is good medicine. :) I'm glad you're letting yourself rest. <3

Well, I think more partying with the cats might help, especially if you add some kind of crafting and molding malleable substances.

Then you could have a Putty patty pretty kitty pity party!


If you notice the cats eating the silly putty and getting gas and using the litterbox, you'd have a Putty patty pooty potty pretty kitty pity party!

And so on...

Take some time to have a little fun =)

😹 You made the cats laugh with this one.....thank you.
We tried a crafting party last night but the cats just ended up destroying their may have been all that catnip....

Credit where credit is due: thanks Dr. Seuss!

Negativity is always the loudest. But the folks who are making the noise surely have no idea how much you do here and what an asset you are to this community. I think a lot of us have been feeling the tension. It's a difficult thing to have so many people relying on you, and looking to you for help, but like you said, no one owes anyone anything by default.

Nothing wrong with feeling drained in that sense either; it's a natural, cyclical phase in the life of someone who is passionate and selfless. You give a lot, and sometimes you just need to recharge those batteries.

I felt this post before it happened :). I know you are working hard, and sometimes you just have to make sure you are good before you can help others. That can come in the form of just a little bit of time away from the computer, some perspective outside, the kitties, however you gotta do it! Nothing will explode in the meantime. We are just specks in a grand universe. Much love your way Isaria! Keep being awesome.

Thank you for such a thoughtful comment means a lot to me.
I definitely do need to re-charge.
And that's a great point about just being specks in the grand universe.
I need to stop being so stressed and taking everything so seriously and attempt to have some fun.
I think I forgot how to have fun though lol

You work way too much! I know it's hard not to when you're in up to your neck in projects, but sometimes you gotta take a break and smell the flowers. Unless you're allergic, of course...
Custer cat thinks you should do more of this...

Custer Cat has the right idea for sure.
Sometimes I wish I was a cat.....
Thank you Amber.

I know these are difficult days for a lot of people... I haven't been here for so long, but I do believe in building community and connecting and sometimes it's frustrating to put forth a lot of effort only to hear people bring "entitled" feelings as the only reply.

In this moment, I have gratitude for having found your post via the #cats tag (where I spend much of my time!). And gratitude matters.

One key thing I picked up from your video that it seems a lot of people have missed: We're not employees of Steemit; we were made no promises. We were simply given an opportunity. I try to keep sight of that. Wish more people did...


I'm so happy that you found me through the cats tag.....and now I have found you!
Thank you for your thoughtful and insightful comment!😺

It sounds like you're on the verge of burn-out lovely! Don't be afraid to take some time for yourself- it's something I learned the hard way. Sending you lots and lots of love <3

Thank you Sun....I believe you are correct.
Hugs and love to you❤️

Your thinking is very good and positive. I am happy that you think about others and I appreciate your optimistic attitude. Your D live video is very good.
Cats 🐈 party is awesome..

Thank you!
lol the cat party is pretty awesome.

Thanks for showing kindness...

Being active on steemit and doing your real life things at the same time and both in a good quality is only working as long as you have a looot of energy. And sleep. I hope you feel better soon and I really want to thank you for the support you're giving me and all the other artists ♥

Thank you so much for your kind comment.
It's easy to support great art like yours!❤️

Awesome insight, and in return I'll share some of my own. You should totally do more car vlogs and we can call them: Isaria Isinthecaria. :)

Isaria made me giggle with that one.❤️

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