Rafonix namierzył wykopka Kuracyja

in #dlive6 years ago


Rafonix got some "excavation" that stalked and offended him on the Internet, the guy was hit and now "the Monitoring Centre for Racological and Xenophobic Behaviour" is driving the Seimas into this action...
I decided to call them about it and ask them what and how, additionally asking about Rafał as well. G of the former president of this eclipse "Foundation", to whom the prosecution in 2017 raised charges of forgery of the signature and attempts to extort PLN 100,000 in 2007, as I could expect answers were vague and eventually went to discuss whether the swastika was a symbol of happiness and the fact that the prosecutor cooperated with fascists after paying attention to this statement was the statement "I did not say anything like that" (well, recording conversations for one's own purposes is not breaking the law :) ).... I know it's strange, but if you don't have a logical explanation, the topic changes...
Taking into account the past of this organization, I dare to doubt their true intention, especially that under the fasting on their FB there is a violent DOPISEK "There is no our consent to harm the weaker.
If you support our actions you can make a donation on "Laughter in the room" because finally the hellłłłłł was giving the money if you agree, and if we do not let you know...
And when the lawsuits are mentioned :) At the end of the conversation, I heard threats of lawsuits for supposedly sharing conversations, which I never made publicly available... In addition, I congratulate you on deleting your comments, because what about freedom of speech?https://imgur.com/Xrb1bKs
I don't know whether to laugh or cry, but I will bow my head over their ignorance.

translation deepl.com

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podsumowując rozmowa z tym pracownikiem, kompletnie XD
p.s dłlem upvote :D

Według mnie, prawidłowo go wyjaśnił

Zaraz i Ciebie pozwą xD

każdy się chyba zgodzi, że Rafonix zrobił dobrze. Wiedział co może być, a co nie i bardzo dobrze. Internet internetem, ale nie możemy pozwolić na wszystko.. Pozdro Fabian ;)

Dostał w mordę i tyle

Pozdro Fabian

czemu niby ksenofobia lub/i rasizm? ten typ chyba był z Polski kurwa nie trzeba już nic robić żeby być rasistą

I oczywiście jakieś Ośrodki reagują bo nie mają co robić ;p

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