String Bending Institute Session 7

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Welcome to Bending String Institute Session 7

When you buy the Orange Tree Guitar sample library you are going to get a beautiful presentation of presets, basically, a show of what this marvellous library is capable of.
When you capture the screen of your laptop, it proves to be something even more valuable: a ready set of lessons of most beautiful phrases with a plain view enabling you to do the same. Wow!
When you process it through a video editor by slowing it down 2 or 4 times, what you get is something you can follow to learn fret by fret.
You can use it to learn a regular guitar or a keyboard, or iPad controlled one.

This phrase is based on A minor pentatonic scale. The most beautiful scale I enjoy playing and listening for all days of my life and beyond.


Take notice of how and when to use your bends, have a look to the bottom left corner for pitch bend wheel work.

Here is how to do it

We start from 7th fret D, D#, E, G, A, C, A.

The D, plus a bend a half tone up and back to D, then C, A, C and A with a vibrato.

Now we bend the pitch wheel a whole tone down and strike E, let the pitch lose to get from D to E, then G, E, and A with a vibrato.

Then back G, and E. Now again D, plus a vibrato and a bend a half tone up and back to D, then C, A, C, D, and C with a vibrato, A with a vibrato, then G and E.

Now a double-stop E-A, a hammer-on E to F#, then back to E with A still sounding, and then D.

Now another double-stop C-A with a hammer-on from C to C#.

Now A, a double-stop D-F#, and a double-stop C-E with a hammer-on from C to C#.

Now A, G, a double-stop G-C with a hammer-on from G to A, and a pull-off back to G.

And again a double-stop D-A with a hammer-on from D to D#, and a pull-off back to D, C, and A with a vibrato, and G.

And you did it, again. Fantastic!

I really don’t know what to do with myself when I hear those beauties, come back for more. Much love!


My video is at DLive

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