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RE: Coffee and Philosophy Ep. 22 Recording

in #dlive6 years ago

i know why people do stupid shit like "loosing humanity" in the name for doing "FAVOR" for the COMPANY. they just cant relate with others. they dont understand, they are emotionally dead. they think they are a part of some special ranks. thinking that they can be above other human beings. they do not see how we all are equal. the saying im fascinated by this "find a job do something useful you bum!" oh you expect me to be a gear in the system where suicide rates are ever so climbing .... no thank you. i better spend my time helping others regain their humanity. using their creativity instead of using them for useless mechanical or mental labor. people are unhappy, we all know why. its cos we dont treat people like people anymore.


It'll be interesting to see the world when more people "get it."

people will not get it, not to be pessimistic.... but people are not raised to be loving individuals they are raised to be hounds, fighting for the meat, the big rat race.. unless the guidelines are written in their hearts. people are not raised for last 150 years they are only growing. the state raises the children. parents have no time to for that.

less attention means someone else will always raise your children(nowadays its YOUTUBEand school who raises the young minds, oh and forknife/TRENDS) . but there is a way this can. be turned for the good.

open forums about this subject, till everyone gets it. that how they treat each other is a reflection on how they were raised and most of the time is not in line. with basic core values and moral standards of a compassionate , loving, empathetic human being. more solutions, less fragmentation.

i think when they come to realize that what they are doing hurts others, they will stop doing it. meaning they are not conscious of what they do or i hope they are not conscious,... then they are just evil..

flowers in the wild are not competing with each other , and still get's the sunshine of the sun and rain from the sky, and the soil to grow in. but when it comes to humans it gets quite complicated.

thanks for hearing me out.

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