Vlog 360: Buying against market sentiment.

in #dlive6 years ago


I started to buy STEEM a bit more forcefully then before because the price has come down a lot.

My target of 150k is becoming easier to reach the lower the price goes, so that's great!

For me the fundamentals for this blockchain have not changed one bit. In this interview I explain why.

STEEM therefore is a solid buy for me. And also because I'm investing for the upcoming years (and not moon tomorrow).

But it's not easy to buy as it never is against the sentiment.

What I do like a lot is that I have not read much negativity towards the STEEM blockchain lately and that has been different in the past for sure. (Especially when compared to the last downtrend).

I do fully expect prices to go even lower so I'm buying gradually all the way to the bottom.

I just don't know where the bottom is and I hate guessing so that's why I'm doing that.

I talk about it more in my vlog.

I am part of witness @blockbrothers.

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I started to invest steemit while prices 1.2 USD. Turkish lira decreased against dollar 1 week ago.
Although the price of Steem is low in USD, it is still high in Turkis Lira. I am waiting to decrease USD against Turkish Lira. My goal is to have 50K steem power. I will be here long term. I hope Steemit will grow in this term :) @exyle

I'm sorry about the Lira. I hear in the news it's going through rough times. You goal of 50K is impressive! All the best.

You are the inspiration for all with your vast experience of ups and downs in this market.Great job,that you had accumulate great steem power.

Most def gonna stay. I've never bought steem but have made mine through commenting with very little to no blogging(maybe I should start?). Steemit has become a part of my daily ritual and my beginning goal was really to just simply try it out and earn a bit of something new. The people here are fantastic for the most part and the site is real. I've learned many things here on steemit. I have no intention of ever stopping and have full faith that the cCryPto markets, steem included, will recover at some point blowing everyone's minds. The tech. is here and getting better and better so why would it go away? I do, at times, consider buying some but for me it's fun participating and earning. Make no mistake though, it's on SALE......FIRESALE! I don't think anyone can go wrong picking some up at this price............

Nothing changed in the markets, people just got too optimistic in terms of being on a bull run, just because BTC went up to $7K. BTC still holds the $6K that I don´t think will ever be broken down... as I´ve been saying all over the place.

STEEM failed to hold the $1, but the reallity is that the $0.8 support line is much stronger and this is the point where it stops to go down... the markets were searching to bottom so we can go up (it sound like a dream, but is the reality).

As your title say, buying now is a contrary move of what everyone is doing, but is a move that all good investors are making... That´s how you become rich in the stock markets, so imagine what you can become in crypto markets with such big volatility.

Mark @exyle If you leave Steemit the whole thing will fall apart. As long as you Stay I am going to stay and I will add to my SP................

I'm staying, man!

There are those of us who are the die-hards and will stay to the bitter end or there are those that are fair-weather friends and stay only while the going is good. Same as anything in life...

I am not buying still even though it is wiser for the moment but I have other plans and will stick to it. It is not a matter of a lose scenario in my case but a matter of how many I can gain. My situation is different as I can't look any further in long-term because of my medical condition @exyle but it is true that our emotions plays a major role in our decisions especially when it all gets cheap in the market place in cryptos.

But it's not easy to buy as it never is against the sentiment.

That’s tru! I think it has a lot to do with human’s psychology. I’m second guessing my actions when I’m buying at these levels. Just yesterday I bought some bitcoin saying to myself “oh boy, I hope it’s not a mistake”. Im even more second guessing, when making decisions to buy Steem. At some point I know I will start buying Steem for my fiat as well. When? 🤔...

Do you consider user activity to be part of the coin's fundamentals? For example, if users were leaving in droves, or if they weren't getting anywhere when they joined and gave up shortly after, that this would impact the fundamental value of Steem?

Such a sensible thought/question.

I simply don't get those who think with people gone/going, its good because now there will be more Steem to go around for all who've stayed. To what point is having more Steem if less and less people are using it and its value drops and drops???

There was a time when Myspace was popular... then people started leaving.

Of course it's important. But the time to attract new/more users will come a little later.

First HF20 to make them sign up easy and then SMT's/Hivemind to make them stay to whatever Dapp they please.

For STEEM as a token to fulfil the reward aspect is increasingly harder for many reasons. SMT's will solve this. STEEM will get a important new role though. I think many underestimate how important it will be.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 65185.94
ETH 2630.94
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83