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RE: Wherever We Roll Let's Be Grateful!

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

Helo @teamsteem

Those dishes make one salivate. Wish I could grab some. Haha

Of course I quite agree with your views on the person of Dan as I have read most of his works as recommended by you and those you have written about him yourself. DAN is an enigma, a genius of no small standing. I respect him and mere thought of him makes me appreciate how powerful human creativity is.

I am not a fan of linear rewards system because it limits the ability of steemians to rewards hardworking Steemians and encourages cycle voting. I also read the post of @abh12345 and shared in his observations including his gratitude to you for your unwavering supports. Unarguably, you are one of the very few steemians whose voting patterns are evenly spread out in support of the worthy works of a good number of steemians. We are grateful for this.

I run a contest meant to encourage Steemians to vote witnesses of their choices. You once promise to visit to support the work but never visited eventually. And I understand that it may have escaped your mind. However, no time is late as this is a weekly contest in which we give out 6sbd to support minnows and witnesses alike. The current edition is live.


@eurogee of @euronation community


Thank you! Please correct the link to your contest!

Great contest! 6 SBD to win!

Thank you @teamsteem. The link is now corrected. This is actually the sixth edition. We gave out 20 steem in first edition, 10 Steem in second edition, 6 SBD in 3rd to 5th edition and we intend to continue this for as long as resources allow me.

@eurogee of @euronation community

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