DLive Wonder - I just Called To Say I love You (cover by Ed Privat)

in #dlive7 years ago


Hey guys!

Today this is another song from the Dlive Wonder, I make you discover one of my favorite Stevie Wonder'song, today it's "I Just Called To Say I Love You"

It's one of the most special song in my heart, because it had such a big impact on my life.
When I was 4 years old, that's the song that introduced me to music, to piano, and the first time I was deciphering a melody, a was transported in a world of magic .


The song saved my life when I was 18

I was out of control , dealing drugs, getting caught by the police all the time , smoking/sniffing/drinking on the day of the big exams in France, I decided to miss out on my philosophy exam and never came back to school ever again.I was in total disarray...

It was a huge disappointment for my father, he didn't really know how to speak to me anymore, the only time we were seeing each other is when he had to get me out of trouble, fetching me at the police station, or trying to fix the path of destruction I was creating for myself.


I can't even imagine the frustration that he went through, and probably the despair as well.

After all of this, he still decided to surprise me with a great 18th birthday in a local pizzeria. He invited all my friends, even after all the pain that I caused, he was still there for me...

It was a Karaoke night, and my father had no clue I could sing at the time.
I took the microphone and started singing like my life was depending on it . The expression on his face was priceless.For the first time I saw pride in his eyes, and hope.

The song that I sung that night was "I just Called To Say I Love You", and after that, my father supported me every steps of the way in my musical career.
And what I mean by that, is that he became the pillar that i needed, at a time when I was drifting away.
He helped find a school in Nancy where I studied music for 2 years, and the rest is history.

Sometimes, things just happened a certain way, and it makes you or break you. This was one of those time.

I don't know where I would be today without this song, that I sung the 31st of October 2003 in a little pizzeria...

As usual I leave you with the lyrics



No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring, no song to sing
In fact here's just another ordinary day
No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is something true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you
I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart


No summer's high
No warm July
No harvest moon to light one tender August night
No autumn breeze
No falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies
No Libra sun
No Halloween
No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring
But what it is, though old so new
To fill your heart like no three words could ever do
I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart
Can we sing it one more time please


I just called to say I love you (I just called to say, I just called to say I love you)
I just called to say how much I care, I do (I just called to say, I just called to say I do)
I just called to say I love you (I just called to say, I just called to say I love you)
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart, I love you form the bottom of my heart

My video is at DLive


Check you out.. Even gave us a video arrangement this time so we can understand all the different arrangements you’re doing to compose. I’m looking forward to the rest of Dlive Wonder. What’s the playlist look like?

Hahaha that's hilarious ! Yeah people like being part of the creative process I guess!
Tomorrow on the Menu "Part Time Lover", " I wish", and "A Place In The Sun", I don't think I will do anything this weekend, so it's actually a whole "working week"

That’s an impressive work load!

Once a day it's decent :) ! So what do you do during thursday and tuesday? more art?

Only because you asked... Tuesday’s, (and Wed) in about 40 minutes actually I do some volunteer work you’d be surprised how many sincere friends you’ll make along the way. Ms. Mitchel, Miss Curtis, Mr. Santos... and.. and...

Thursday’s, @puravidaville is done building the pyramids before noon so we consistently peddle our bicycles together until the sun goes down on that day.

And rock out to some edprivat of course!

"Only because you asked... Tuesday’s, (and Wed) in about 40 minutes actually I do some volunteer"
WOW ok so I am in owe... I would have probably boasted about it on steemit a hundred times if I had helped people the day you do , that's pretty amazing :)
I had an idea not so long ago to do a free gig in hospital or old age home, that's the food I feed :)

"building the pyramids before noon" is it an expression I am not familiar with, like "it's raining cats and dogs", or "early bird catch the worm", or you guys are building a pyramid scheme maybe , and in that case I am in no place to judge because this whole platform is considered a scheme from the outside world...
In case she is actually building a pyramid, I wish her good luck , what size are we expecting it to be ?

Ha! Nah.. that’s the term I use when someone’s working: Building Pyramids, Paying Taxes, etc.

Pyramid scheme! Laugh out loud that’s funny.

Hahaha that's cool . I will use it in the future uless it's copyrighted :)

You are so talented and give Stevie a run for his money. We thoroughly enjoy listening to your music and it’s always a treat to witness your multi dimensional talent. Great post my friend!

Thank you so much @puravidaville , I am not gonna lie, i am very proud of this video, it was a challenge for me to try to produce a split screen , as it has always failed before.
I really don't mind not being upvoted by Dlive, because this is video is destined to live outside of the block chain too on other platforms.

Thanks again for your awesome support!

The split screen is genius. Like I tell my husband, just continue putting out work that you’re proud of and the right people willl be attracted to upvote you. You’re killing it sir!

Thanks so much @puravidaville, yeah it can become a source of stress to focus too much on the outcome , especially right now, we are literally living on what I am making, so It's really up to me to roll up the sleeves cause these kids ain't gonna feed themselves !
But there's a long term investment that I cannot underestimate, I don't see the rewards right away but I know something bigger is coming ...

I have a song request @edprivat , KC and JoJo, all my life. This request was inspired by your recent post: All My Life that we thought would be KC and JoJo but turned out to be this spectacular, funky, jazzy-soul song that had my husband playing the drums on his thigh and my head to knock back and forth. Another great piece my friend.

Yeah I knew that one would eventually happens, as I always sing the KC and JOJO song when I see my own title so do not worry, completely normal ! Thanks for the compliment about my song, and I would try to make the best rendition possible of this amazing song , wow I am so excited about this one!

We look forward to it. :)

Wow! You really are living off of crypto and that’s all? That’s incredible. You work so hard and put out such great material that I know you’ll make it. I’m sure it gets daunting at times but you are our Steemit rockstar. I truly hope this time next year you’re making hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars a post. You deserve it!

Thanks for you words of encouragement, sometimes it's hell, and we barely make it, and some months we are comfortable thanks to the SBD going up. The goal will be for my wife to stop working so she can take care of the kids, but for now her salary is spent by half of the month, and it's all about catching that momentum and survive until the next salary drops.
Yes ! I do believe we deserve more payout, but I am pretty sure everyone feels this way, so my wife always reminds me to stay thankful for what we are already getting and makes us go through the month.
What you wish to me I wish it to you guys a 100 times more , and you are in a good position by joining Steemit early (hopefully it will keep growing this year)

We are such big fans of you and I know we aren’t the only ones… I truly believe that this is our learning curve before we take off. @dandays is adamant to check out South Africa, now, because of you and I imagine that your music and your work inspires many other people to action as well; it’s a recipe for only success. Thank you for also pioneering the way to live on crypto for showing us all that it can be done is an important step to this revolution. Bravo 👏

I love this song, and you sang it brilliantly and the 6 video captures are really cool.. But, what I liked best was your connection with the song, and the back story. It was heart warming to see how your Dad stuck by you through thick and then. We all take some wrong roads, especially in youth, and the fact that your Dad was there for you through thick and thin is something special. Thanks for sharing dude, I'm going to resteem to my followers now as well to share this beautiful back story.

Thanks @ablaze it means a lot especially coming from you, I don't have your "plume" when I write, it's a french expression meaning that I will never manage to captivate my audience with my words the way you do , so for me that you enjoyed the backstory means a lot, as my style is very messy.

3 times I almost deleted the whole text after posting because it's a personal story, and thought it was maybe too much :) . I actually sent the video to my father yesterday and it moved him a lot, he wrote me a lengthy message , I was surprised, maybe that was the whole point of recording it in the first place !

Plume... Cool word, and really nice of you to use it to describe my writing.. Thanks a million man.. Your posting was right from the heart and natural, and so glad that you could share it with your Dad and it moved him. They aren't around forever, so great to share these moments with them while they are with us.. Speaking of which, I must arrange a trip home, I live 2 hours from my hometown so only get back every few months..

Love the background vocal guys!
Where ever did you find them!?

Cheap labor dudes they work for weed :)

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