
you're a libertarian?

I am unaffiliated with any parties! When I cast my ballots I do find that I'm voting mostly for third party cadidates. I can proudly say that I've never voted for a winner!

haha! but if you had to claim a philosophy it would be closest to Libertarian right?

Or left! How could you tell?

Well, I do agree a lot with the libertarian philosophy, not necessarily the candidates on everything. Now I am probably more of a centrist on certain issues as well, or a realist, I do think the government has a certain role to play, the problem is that everything they do they shouldn't be and everything they should they don't.

I recently have been doing more reading about Geolibertarianism, and I think that is very interesting. The problem with words is that they hold us back, box us in and lock us up. So I do try so hard to avoid labels and be practical and logical in all things.

sir ecoinstant...good Saturday to you ..Geolibertarianism? what the? I have no idea what that stuff is, I'll let you brainy guys discuss that. lol.
I don't like labels either but there has to be some way of knowing at least in general terms where someone is at in terms of philosophy.

We are registered Republicans but don't fit that image at all and are about as far from much of the party as could be. We voted for Evan McMullin last election. I don't know what we are now but wish we didn't have the Republican label.
but it does fit in this part of Texas.

I do worry that there will be tough times ahead, there is disease and rot and it must purged, we have touched on some parts of it in our talks, the culture, the economy.

But I fear that no amount of voting will solve these problems. There will be crashing and burning. Have you heard about new state money?

sir ecoinstant..I agree..what new state money? Federal or Florida money? tell me what you know. please. lol. that's not an order! lol

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