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RE: Goldilock - Keeping your online data safe

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

Oh don't be sorry, this is a fantastic question! One I happen to agree with hearing you say it. This technology (physical air gapped storage) sounds great, so now we are right back to human error!

A few thoughts, first, this may be an upgrade to information already 'on' the grid. This project is in talks with banks already according to their site, and, lets say they become the de facto way to store personal data by companies, this is information that is already out their somewhere. Governments, insurance companies, retailer, they have a lot of data on us and its an upgrade to do it this way no matter what you think about the propensity of people.

You would have to try pretty hard to keep your info out of the hands of all of these places, and knowing you Ceci maybe you do! But somebody has some info on you somewhere, and they should protect it from hackers. Experian credit service got hacked, untold millions of people they have reported on over the years!

I may never send them all the 'keys' to my kingdom, but there is still a lot of work for them to do ;p

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