On Topic with Ebon | The Dangers of Ayahuasca, and The Lessons Learned 08/10/2018

in #dlive6 years ago


Tonight, I will explore my 2nd, and most likely last Ayahuasca experience. It is important that you listen.

On Topic with Ebon | The Dangers of Ayahuasca, and The Lessons Learned 08/10/2018

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YouTube is cutting off my livestream uploads. If you want to watch any of my past livestreams without interruptions, you may have to do so on my DLive page (links are below).

I have been spending a lot of time on activism, and I'm working on software on the side. If you can do so, please donate what you can so I can continue doing what I am doing without interruption. Thank you!

Ebon's Patreon Page:

Donate to Ebon via Cryptocurrency (VTC is my coin of choice for now):
Bitcoin - 1ApKJB4QqnpkEfcf3eFs4N7aZAXx7wMsa8
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Contact me via e-mail: [email protected]

Please subscribe and follow me on my main and back-up YouTube channels for my livestreams:

Ebon Kim:

Tequila Mockingbird:

I will also be using DLive for livestreaming and uploading, as well as uploading to this account for any livestreams on my other channel.








Anyone who tries to disrupt the conversation, or take away another's right to free speech, will be kicked out. Those who personally attack others will be warned, timed out, and finally banned, if the behavior persists.

My live stream is at DLive


Hi @ebonkim,

Just came across your blog and this is a refreshing take on ayahuasca. Since it has been somewhat popularized in recent years from shows such as JRE we rarely hear people talk about the dark side of the ... poison, lol. I've never tried it myself, and not sure if I would actively pursue it 'just because' but I find ayahuasca's potential for healing mental illness fascinating - Gabor Mate has done some interesting research with addicts using ayahuasca.

Thank you for all your time and effort you've put in for Unity4J, the Discord is a beehive of activity and I know you're working very hard to help maintain the streams! Cheers!


This is why I download information like this, things that cause one to think have a nasty way of disappearing from the internet...

I found this video just now, and so I hope I'm actually following you, so that I don't miss your broadcasts in future.

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