[DLive] Why Do I Always Say "Be Positive."

in #dlive6 years ago


It took years for me to finally arrive at a positive attitude. In fact, it's probably one of the transformational things in my life. At my lowest, I was homeless, a drug addict, an alcoholic and just going nowhere in life. That all changed when I started to feed my mind with positive books. I devoured books by personal development experts and studied extensively on how to improve myself. Being positive is relatively easy to get to. It's staying positive that is difficult. That's why I also say "and stay positive."

Because being positive isn't enough. It's staying consistently positive that will yield results.

Let me know what you think in the comments below :)

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Music by: Royalty Free Music - Best Motivation (loop)

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I really struggle in my mind to stay positive. I have dealt with depression for the past 21 years of my life (since I was 13). Depression beats me up inside. It drains my energy and brings negative thoughts in my mind. I am really hoping and praying that I will soon get out of it. Maybe the birth of my child to come might help me with this. Regardless, I will try to remind myself to stay positive and be joyful in the midst of all the negative situations and circumstances going on around me.

Do meditation regularly. Thank you.

Thank you for the post. May God delete all negative thoughts from our mind. Stay positive and get ready for positive results.

Sometimes its hard to stay positive when life always seems to throw you a curve ball 😔
But it is like you say, if you can stay in a positive mindset, suddendly positive stuff will start to happend to you 😊
Sometimes its good that we can trick our mind

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