Deadspace Plays: Emily Wants To Play, Aka, Pizza delivery man simulator [Dlive]

in #dlive6 years ago


Yo. Got something a bit different from my usual stuff today. Today I'm posting some edited gameplay footage of a horror game that I picked up a long time ago. I actually reviewed it, and this gameplay encapsulates my general feelings on how I feel about the game...That it is absolute ass. Well, unless you want the most accurate Pizza delivery man game of all time, that is. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the video. Thanks for stopping by to check it out!

My video is at DLive


Can I post my old videos on DLive without it automatically crossposting to Steemit?

As far as I can tell from the layout, it doesn't appear so. But, there might be a workaround for that which I'm not aware of. I would hop into the discord server for Dlive and ask one of the team members on there. There's quite an active staff available to talk to, so you should be able to find out for sure pretty quickly.

If there happens to be one, let me know. I have a lot of old videos I'd like to crosspost there myself, but I've been holding off since I don't wanna spam my feed with old content. Especially content that is very different from what I post now, what with all the editing and everything.

This seems like a huge oversight on their part. It's an easily foreseeable problem, plenty of people will want to post old YT content without having it posted here and it can't be hard to implement.

I'll try to remember to check, but I don't see what stops you.

Eh, it's mostly because I've been busy as fuck trying to make sure I have content to post on here everyday (I've mostly just become a video creator at this point and editing can take up a fair bit of time) and it has been a very busy time trying to find an apartment to move into by the end of August. That and my social awkwardness of not really wanting to talk with rando's, lol.

I just popped in there and asked in the help center though. I'll report back with what I find out, yo.

Yeah, it's not possible. Guy didn't say much else besides that so I'm assuming it's not something they care about or at least aren't worried about at the moment.

Least she did not draw that thing using blood! I sure hope you did not spend too much on that. This is why I prefer to buy games at a discount. Looks like you could have some humor in this one. Some strange things going on that is for sure.

Yeah, I didn't spend all that much time on this game at all, lol. I picked this up for $5 when it was on sale, and still think it was hands down a waste of $5 that I could have used towards a new game, or maybe on some ladyboys and cobra whiskey.

Whiskey sounds like a better time. Some times you just never know if a gem is waiting at the cheaper end pile of things. I picked up Wurm Unlimited once for $1 a while ago. Played over 600 hours into that game. I can't even think of last time I paid triple A price for a game that had anything near that many hours of enjoyment.

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