DLive: Musician @benleemusic talks music, crypto, Steemit, more!

in #dlive7 years ago


Today I interviewed musician @benleemusic

We talked about:

  • How he became a musician
  • American pop culture
  • His arrival on the Steem blockchain
  • Tokenization of many aspects of day to day life
  • Much more

Check out Ben on Steem: https://steemit.com/@benleemusic

My video is at DLive


Thanks for having me! You were great to chat with.

My pleasure, really appreciate it!

I love how you 'get' the blockchain as a practical reality.
There's a guy on here, 77 year old Len George, who started out six months ago, by writing up stories of his adventures in the New Zealand Air Force, then moved on to posting all of the old records he could get his hands on.
Thousands of pages of statistics on which planes were manufactured where; what became of each of them. Names of pilots, battles, court martials.
He knows that historians are going to want this information, he knows that it's spread around RNZAF bases, and quietly falling apart or being thrown away in dusty boxes of manila folders, and he gets the permanent nature of the blockchain. He's not doing it for the money. He just gets it.

Wow thats fascinating! Not sure Im interested enough in the subject matter to read the posts but I love the use of the platform. Very cool.

No, it's incredibly dry, but I always drop him a 10% upvote by way of encouragement.

You did awesome Ben... I was with you 100% on everything you said... this might have been my favorite interview so far.

Thanks for hooking it up!

Sonic Youth and Fugazi? That rocks man!

Both inspiring bands to play with - especially in such formative years!

Wonderful! Great to see you in this interview!

Awesome interview, thanks @davidpakman and @benlee. I'm just starting out with all this so hadn't thought about the possibility of blockchain for musician credits etc... so much potential there. Also totally agree re just honestly expressing who you are and you'll find your audience... grateful for such a great platform to do that!

Another great interview @davidpakman, thank you! I think @benleemusic hit the nail on the head several times, first and foremost in his giving high value to authentic "personal expression" as he so describes.

Insofar as personal financial investments and the risks surrounding such are concerned, I'd just suggest keeping the percentage of one's net worth devoted to such in an appropriate measure, and modestly balanced perspective relative to that which they are investing in relative to new forms of value, communication, and interaction.

Thanks again for all the great work you do, and the way in which you do it!

Agreed. And also acknowledging your own personal risk tolerance from an emotional perspective is important. Some people can sleep ok with higher risk, others cant. No use making your life miserable!

David i'd like to have a talk with you at some point. I have some pretty giant ideas as concern the blockchain space, and a willingness/desire to open source my "finished product" "here". Would appreciate the chance to talk with someone who might in fact ask very good questions and engage in a substantive discussion of some of the higher possible aims in the blockchain space. To me crypto is one of the three keys in the digital trilogy, along with the very related "City-Zen Sourcing", and What i call "Systems of Augmented Virtual Reality" [SAVR] LMK. Listening to this one as i write. I call us "Romericans" as of a few weeks ago. Alx

I wish I was making at least $6 per post. I guess I'm not successful. lol.

Of course, that will change once I've built more of a following. :)

Wow, great talk, and great way of conducting an interview! I'm so glad I found this and I'm looking forward to more interviews!

A very nice post davidpakman, this is very useful for the crowd and especially for myself.

I get a new knowledge from your article.

Thanks for sharing and hopefully you will be more successful for your work ... :)

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My article here Happy Lundy

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