Dlive Campaign - Spread DLive on Social Media

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

dlive campaign.png

image source and campaign post

Would you believe it that I've been earning my livelihood from streaming my casual gaming time of CS:GO?

Well you better believe it because that's exactly what's happening for the past 1 month for me. I'm talking about Decentralized Live, in short Dlive.

DLive is the first decentralized video live streaming platform which runs on STEEM. It can be seen as the Twitch on the Steem blockchain but not limited to, gaming contents. You can live stream musical performances, art drawings, and of course for me at the moment is gaming.

I even know of a guy that streams movies he watches and gives his comments and reactions. So what is it limited to? Well sky is the limit.

(screenshot of one of my recent stream)


About the Community

There's a community too! We're normally chatting about our streams or whatever under the sky on our Discord channel of which consist of most, if not all of the dlive streamers.

The Dlive team are also really great and they're really supportive of those you use and engage on their platform and network of which I've experienced a lot of generosity from them in terms of upvotes and comments.

image source

Sounds awesome! Can I be a part of this as well?

Of course you can! Which is why I'm writing this post and sharing it on social media. You can check out their webpage for some visual impact of how much dlive streamers such as myself are earning and if you have any questions about it, contact me and I'll personally walk you through the whole process of getting you signed up and an account on Steem and Dlive.

All in all, it's been a month of such a great experience personally, being on the platform and if you're a social media star, you seriously should consider getting on this. I'd like to share more but you really just have got to check this out to believe it.

See you soon in dlive-verse!

dlive logo.png

Dlive: https://www.dlive.io/#/
Facebook post campaign link: https://www.facebook.com/daniel.wong.supernatural/posts/10156226319943270?comment_id=10156226321593270&notif_id=1519709708579880&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif


Your video is very good to me. Thank you

Thanks dear sharing this video.

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