My View on Climate Change Part 3 - Desertification

in #dlive6 years ago


Lately, I feel like every drought, flood, and severe storm is being blamed on climate change. While in a way this is true, the assumption is that climate change is due to an increase in CO2. I believe climate change is due to a large variety of factors with CO2 levels playing only one small role in the larger picture. In this video, I break down why I think desertification is one of the causes of climate change rather than a result of climate change.

Previous video on a related topic:

My video is at DLive


Man, do you really think it is so easy to make it rain from the sky?.. And to put out wild fires with seeded rain?..
I don't know much about cloud seeding or weather manipulation, but i know, if i want to extinguish 1 square meter of camp fire, i need at least 20 liters of water. And that's for the wood which is already mainly burned down. I assume, you would need more than that to put down burning forest??? Now multiply that by 10000 and you'll get a hectare. Now multiply that by number of hectares...
To me that seems not that easy to do. And that's not even considering that probably big part of that water would evaporate not even touching the ground. I've been in saunas and saw what happens to water, when it touches rocks. I assume, temperatures in wild fires are a bit warmer than in saunas :)

I didn't say they could put them out I said that it could help to put them out or at least to stop them from spreading. Did you read the links in my last video? China uses cloud seeding to help with firefighting. And have increased rainfall in Beijing by an estimated 8%.

Last year and the year before Canada's biggest water bomber was parked while the forests burned and they turned down help from Russia. Makes me wonder how concerned they are with putting these fires out. I wonder how much CO2 went into the air from the forest fires the last three years?

Wikipedia is not my favorite source of information. And it is strange to me, that you would believe China's government's information on any topic, when you don't trust your own :)
But let's say that 8-12% increase of rain in Beijing is true (although that number was given only for the year of 2004). that's an increase of about 5.5 mm of rain/year. That is 5.5 liters of rain per year in 1 sq.m. If that amount of water would be dumped on an area at once, then yes, of course it would help with fires. But would it?

I don't trust any government but that doesn't mean they are always lying either.

I also generally don't trust everything on Wikipedia, but seeing as how I have seen multiple other articles about china manipulating the weather it isn't unbelievable. Just do a search on it and a whole bunch of articles will pop up, many from what most people would consider credible sources.

I'm just curious why they wouldn't try using it for fire suppression, it certainly couldn't hurt and they are clearly using it for other things like hail suppression. Maybe when 3 million acres of forest burns in BC two years in a row the government should pay a carbon tax on it back to the people for being apathetic in controlling the situation?

It's just really weird that nobody in the media talks about weather modification even though it clearly isn't a secret. It just shows how much they control the narrative.

Here is another interesting source document. Showing how many countries are involved in it.

I think I am pretty much in agreement with you.

The talking heads and big corps want it to be something as simple or purchasable as CO2. But purchasing carbon credits doesnt solve the other 100 problems that our bad habits cause.

Anyway. Take it easy and keep doing good things in your area of influence!


Thanks, yes it is very important to not stress over things that are out of our control!

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