Thoughts about Aligning/Hustling

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

Align is the new hustle steemit.jpg


Hi Everyone,

Lately I’ve been seeing this phrase ‘align is the new hustle’ going around on social media… I’m not sure where it originated but I really appreciate the perspective.

I’ve definitely spent a LOT of time hustling!!
And while there’s value in that… definitely to achieve anything, we can’t wait til everything totally feels perfect… to me this ‘align is the new hustle’ thing is more about taking actions that are fueled by purpose and authenticity vs just getting it done.

I also find that when something really feels right… like intuitively I just know it’s the right direction for me… even if there are doubts and fears on top of that, the reason for doing it is clear… and things work out!! Sometimes even magically… things just flow and unfold easily…

And that’s more and more how I want to live my life—hustling from a place of alignment and inspiration!!

xo Bonnie

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Love this @bonniepiesse! I haven't heard that saying before but I appreciate that it's becoming more main stream.
For me when I hear that I think alignment is everything, alignment first then action. Creating from a place of inspiration rather than force is like being pulled toward something amazing. Makes it so our only job is to stay in that aligned state and follow the passion wherever it goes.

I totally agree Larry!! It's a much better adventure that way I think 😊

For sure Bonnie, much more relaxing that way too. It's funny because I've been hustling for so long that forcing things is an old habit. Everyday I get reminded to let go and trust. Your post is today's reminder 😊

Great work I share the same sentiment! When is it ok to stop the hustle and appreciate the fruits of your labor?

Yes, hopefully we can constantly stop and appreciate what we're doing! :)

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I suppose it's all a matter of perspective or definition. Hustling might be considered a means of swindle or deceit. Aligning sounds good if you are trying to get things straight but seems a different story if following a crowd of people who's purpose sounds good in theory but hides an ugly truth that remains hidden or never disclosed.
I don't know if any of this makes sense, but I want to say it like this. I don't have a hustle, I have a job. I don't want to align, I want to be me or like the movie -- divergent. ...maybe it's just one of those California sayings where words and thoughts have completely different meanings or none at all.
🤔 maybe I've just been alone to long and not used to societal terms. I am getting older and see no need to hustle or be in any hurry. I have no need to get in alignment with others either, I would rather they get in alignment with me.
I guess it's all just a play on words. Have a blessed day and follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road, followthe.......

I guess it does depend how you take the message... for me it's definitely aligning with myself and what's important to me! I love the movie Divergent by the way!

It's a cycle. I tend to get addicted to my tasks and then eventually burnout - take a breather then jump back into it. With that being said, life is in flux and things do change. Setting the right priorities and being genuine with self and others is always the best route. Don't always do it, not going to lie, but setting a bar is the way forward. Great vlog you have here, good luck on your journeys @bonniepiesse!

Ha I posted about this the other day, too. I'm done hustling. It's exhausting.

Awesome!!! This is my first time hearing about this. However, I think the whole concept is great. I think with anything in life, there needs to be balance. Being aligned, is such an amazing feeling. And I agree, when you are aligned with your purpose, you become more inspired each day. Clarity also takes place. When you have a clear mind and you are inspired, amazing things happen. Thank you for this post!!!

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