Barefoot Hiking in Griffith Park!!

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)



Hi Everyone,

A little while ago I did a Vlog about the health benefits of earthing/grounding ie putting your feet in the earth.

Soon after that, I was hiking in the Santa Monica Mountains and I came across Dillon, who was hiking barefoot!! It was so great hearing his thoughts about all the benefits of this practice, you can check it out here!

So, inspired by Dillon, I decided to go on my own barefoot hike in Griffith Park.

I loved it! Next time I’d go a little earlier ‘cause the sun was blazing and it was definitely a bit too hot! But overall it was great and I’ll definitely do it again!

xo Bonnie

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My video is at DLive


Wow! I have been into hiking recently and just purchased my first pair of hiking shoes... I guess I'll be ditching those soon haha

Haha yes, give it a go!! 😎

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You are hardcore Bonnie!! Shoeless and fearless :)

I think if I did come across a rattle snake I wouldn't have been so fearless haha, but it was definitely a fun experience! 😎

I made the mistake of going barefoot on a 6 mile hike on a rocky trail one year... It was painful considering I had worked up some calouses on my feet. Grounding to the Earth is therapy and hits pressure points. Its also good for the immune system. Your feet absorb small particles that push your immune system. Barefoot is the way to go!! I explain this to people but they just call me a hippie. Its actually scientifically proven.

Wow that's impressive... but yeah a rocky trail would be pretty rough. I totally agree re barefoot being the way to go, and people also call me a hippie :) Glad to meet a kindred spirit on here!

you must be so strong! I wouldn't even dare trying that. Haha

Hey! Really like your content. Hope you can visit my profile. I followed you

Yes, I ALWAYS go barefoot outdoors. Otherwise it's not the full experience! Never thought about the accupressure part of it.

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