DLive's Chat System: My 2c

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

After only using it for several minutes I noticed just how awful and horribly inefficient it is to use. It's simply the Steemit commenting platform repurposed and presented in a different way. I've noticed comments in the "chat" shifting positions, moving up and down in no noticeable order. Whenever I try to click on the smiley, something I assume to be an emote button, nothing happens; it literally just doesn't work. It takes several seconds for each message to send and if you try to send messages even within approximately 10-20 seconds of each other sometimes they don't send and I'm forced to re-type my message, no doubt attributed to it being the Steemit comment system overlayed to look like a chat box. On the Steemit post there is no context behind the "comments" posted, it's even hard to tell at a glance that they are messages being used to chat with a live streamer until you really think about it and connect the dots.

I really think this needs to be changed asap moving forward; it's clunky, slow and unorganized from a live chatting perspective. I'm sure the system works perfectly fine for what it's originally designed: commenting, upvoting, replying, etc, however it is an unpleasant experience to use as a chat to interact with a live broadcaster and vice-versa for the broadcaster interacting with a live chat. The current design will, without a doubt in my mind, not work at a scale for live broadcasts sustaining hundreds to thousands of viewers trying to chat at the same time should the platform grow to that size.

Just my two cents, feel free to drop your opinion about it below and lmk what you think. I'm really new to this community in general and don't really know much (haven't even done and introduce myself quite yet, working on it), so some of these comments could come off as ignorant if there are already plans in motion for a change that I'm not aware of it; if there are, please do let me know.

Anyway, that's all folks. Hopefully my first ever post isn't that bad.


Nice, you should always try to use an image in your posts as a thumbnail.

I believe that as dlive grows they will address these concerns. Nice post

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