
After 2 years of PoE i started with 1.0 version of the survival guide and loved it, Even though i might not be learning much from 2.0 im still gonna support and enjoy every part :) Keep up the great work mate!

I have never heard of this game before, but it looks a lot like Diablo and it's sequels. I am going to have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!

Hi Bozz. I run a hardcore race (once a character dies, he's out of the race) every 3 months or so when each new league launches. Lots of fun and prizes. Follow me or keep an eye on #poecomp, for updates.

Thanks, I will try to check it out. It looks like I had created a character in the past, but I think my firewall or content filter is blocking a connection. I am not able to run the game.

This is the type of games I love :) I am a classic person and love to play game with small characters like this. For you it might be a change today.

@acidyo i only started playing the game 6 days ago, I am currently running ngahamu's flame cyclone build. I am trying to find a different build that's more expensive and does better at higher tiers. can anyone recommend something to look into?

Thanks for sharing @acidyo.

Graet game. Keep playing i know you will nail it..
Your passion for gaming is incedable..
Thanks for sharing..

amazing game.keep playing this game like a pro.hope you are enjoying in playing this
Thanks for sharing

You sure practiced off stream so we should be expecting a show of good game play this time. May the force be with you. ;-)

Omg this has been my most favorite game since open beta in 2013, played almost 2000 hours by now. And now my most favorite asmr gamer plays it...Dream come true :)

@acidyo I hope you are having a great start to your week! I'm curious; do you prefer fast/meta builds or the more hipster oriented creative builds? I personally tend to play a bit of both. If I am playing a slower build I start to crave a faster one and if I play a "clear speed" meta build, I end up daydreaming about the next "creative" hipster project. Now I just need one of you guys to create a super fast hipster build so we can have the best of both worlds!

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