When sugar is dangerous


Sugar has such benefits, as well as bad things. Additional sugar can adversely affect our health. In this report, 11 outbreaks of sugar were highlighted.

  • Sugar can reduce the life span of life
    You probably know that candy bars or soda can not be healthy, but you might not be aware how their carbohydrates are doing harm to our body. Sometimes it is okay to eat, but regular play has a significant negative effect on health. A study of the University of California San Francisco found that drinking 20 ounces of soda per day is equivalent to the 4.6 year increase, which is similar to the effects of cigarette smoking. This cell has a brief lifetime relationship with an adult.

  • Sugar increases insulin
    An immediate result of taking excess sugar is increase in insulin emission. Insulin regulates our body's blood sugar. Vashanti Malik, a research scientist at Harvard TR Chan School of Public Health, said, "Soda is the worst shadow of the past. The beverage of Beverage is rapidly absorbed, causing blood sugar and insulin to grow rapidly. Over time, it leads to insulin resistance where the body needs excessive insulin to be active and adversely affects the metabolic health of the person. 'Natural sugar (eg fruit carbohydrate) does not have the same negative effect as it is combined with fiber, fruit fiber gradually Helps to absorb.

  • Sugar keeps the risk of diabetes
    If you have any clear signs of high blood sugar, then maybe you are already in the streets of diabetes. Dr. Saltzman said, "insulin resistance causes more pancreatic insulin production. Over time, pancreatic tiredness may be exacerbated due to excessive production and the ability to produce adequate insulin can stop. If this happens type 2 diabetes can be developed.

  • Sugar increases weight
    Your body needs some carbohydrates for energy, but the residue is stored as fat. Weight gain with sugar affects your health. Dr. Saltzman said, "Some studies have shown that sugar has a weight gain and obesity, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes development. It is unclear why this happens, but there may be relation with lower inflammation - which is due to obesity and insulin resistance. Dr. Malik said, "There is a risk of increase in stomach due to excessive sugar consumption, which is a risk factor for heart disease." Sugar drinkers also help the body to accumulate more fat.

  • Sugar increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease
    Studies show that there is high cholesterol and cardiovascular death associated with sugar. Dr. Saltzman said, "With high levels of sugar, there is a link to the development of a type of blood lipid called Low-Density Lipoprotein (VLDL), which is related to the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sugar can reduce the beneficial cholesterol called HDL - HDL cholesterol protects against heart problems. Sugar can also cause hypertension or high blood pressure. Dr. Saltzman said, 'Insulin resistance can cause hypertension. This hypertension can be due to the negative effect of kidney, arterial structure and functioning and taking sugar in the center of the brain that regulates blood pressure. '

  • Sugar stimulates the brain
    Sugar can affect the brain. Dr. Saltzman said, "Energy-rich confectionery can induce your brain to eat more food than part of your limbic system," said Mr. Saltzmann. Our brain trained to eat and eat these foods while eating confectionery and thus increasing the intake of these meals. Dr. Malik said, 'Sugar can stimulate the brain's placenta center, as the drug.'

  • Sugar can keep you hungry
    Since sugar is not getting actual nutrition, you can feel hungry, that is, sugar can not destroy your true hunger. An Australian study found that the acceptance of more refined sugar did not eliminate the actual appetite for participants.

  • Sugar can damage the brain
    Studies have found that soda and other addicted sugar are harmful to the brain. An animal research study from Oregon State University found that excessive sugar-derived diet led to cognitive damage or deterioration, such as dementia. A tipping point was discovered in a UK study, where blood sugar negatively impacted Alejheimer's disease. The author of the study said. Omar Kasser said, "Diabetes and Obesity are a very familiar thing that excessive sugar is harmful for us, but due to the possible connection of Alzheimer's disease to sugar, we should consider controlling sugar in our diet."

  • Sugar can be the cause of fatty liver
    One of the ways to secretly damage the liver or liver is to take more or extra sugar. Dr. According to the University of California San Francisco, the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and liver wounds have now doubled compared to the 1980s, according to Malcup, the owner said, "Fructose liver is metabolized and liver fat can be absorbed by taking too much sugar."

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