How to say 'love you' in different languages

Famous fictionist Humayun Ahmed correctly wrote,

'The matter of love affairs is like clapping. It takes two hands. Clap never occurs with one hand. That is, one does not love ... '

Love is truly the best gift in the world. 'I love you' We are all familiar with the word. These romantic words are different to the beloved people, or listening to their mouths are both happy. In these three words people express their love, aspiration, affection and praise to others. It is like a 'special thing' to people of love.

This word is not only Bangla but also in many languages ​​of the world. In order to express this one to the beloved people, the poets have used differentiated words, different points of view. So, on the day of World Love, you can also tell your loved ones the love of a little differently.

In this case, find out how to tell people in different languages ​​in different languages ​​'love you' -

Arabic - Anna Uhibuka
Dennis - Jeg Elcom Deg
Dutch - Ik Ho Vaughan Joe
Finnish - Mina Rakasatan Sinua
Frances-Jay Tame
Dutch-Ich Liby Ditch
Hawaiian - Aloha Aao Ayaya
Atelian - Amo
Korean - Sarang Hi
Manderin- And I did not
Polish-Cosam Cybee
Portuguese - You Ti Amo
Romanian-T Ubes
Russian-ya Lublu Tabe
Slovak - Lubeem
Chahahili - Naku Panda
Swedish- Postal Alsaker Dig


you are right friend . i'm agree to your post

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