The CDC, Vaccination, and the Deep State | By Richard Gale and Gary Null

in #dlike6 years ago


To our peril, federal agencies take full advantage of the average American’s scientific illiteracy.  An important survey conducted by Michigan State University found that only 4% of American adults had an understanding about stem cells. Seventy percent could “not read or understand” the science section in the New York Times.  An earlier study funded by the US National Science Foundation noted that about half of Americans understood that the earth rotates once around the sun annually, 45% of people had an “acceptable” understanding of DNA, and only 22% knew what a molecule was.  Although scientific illiteracy is an enormous threat to a functioning democracy and an informed public, nevertheless it is a boon for the CDC and the vaccine industry. Manipulating this ignorance with a heavy dose of fear tactics, such as revealed through the CDC’s press model to guide the mainstream media’s role in increasing vaccine compliance, health officials have managed to successfully thwart many efforts to educate the public to evaluate the pros and cons of vaccination._


Among the trove of classified national security documents released by NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden, were several regarding the government’s intelligence agencies’ infiltration of the internet in order to manipulate information, deceive the public and destroy personal reputations of opponents, including independent journalists.  Among the documents was a manual, “The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations.” One of its stated missions is to flood the internet with false information and data to destroy the reputation of its opponents.  Furthermore, the manual provides instructions on taking control of online public discourse in order to generate allegiance to the intelligence agency’s false point of view.


Vaccine opponents often complain about the blogosphere being riddled with anonymous trolls, most who would be unable to debate their way out of cardboard box on scientific issues regarding vaccines, but who nevertheless follow an intelligence manual’s strategies to disparage vaccine critics.  Bill Gates, who is on record condemning parents who refuse vaccines and who is no stranger to the higher echelon of executives in the vaccine industry and department heads at the CDC, funded psychology professor Seth Kalichman at the University of Connecticut to develop a monitoring system to track all anti-vaccine internet traffic. Given Gate’s utter disdain towards voices speaking out against vaccines, we can be certain this was not for humanitarian, research purposes but as part of intelligence gathering in the CDC’s war against the health of the nation.  Others who have been mouthpieces of the Deep State yet are viewed as respectable and medically credentialed kingpins, such as Paul Offit, David Gorsky, and others are welcomed by the media as the foremost authorities and final voices on vaccine topics.


In 2016 over 1500 medical researchers surveyed by the prestigious journal Nature failed to reproduce another scientist’s experimental results. Over half were unable to reproduce their own experiments. The article concludes that the potential reasons for this lack of scientific confirmation are numerous. However, most important is that no single scientific study or paper can claim to be the final word on any medical issue, and this is especially true with vaccine research. The complexities of the human immune system, its biomolecular mechanisms and epigenetic relationships with external environmental factors are not fully understood.  And there remains much more to discover and digest.  Modern immunology still has a long ways to go and needs frequent revision as new discoveries emerge. In contrast, vaccine science continues to rely partially upon an antiquated understanding of the body’s immune system focused almost exclusively on antibody generation.


After reviewing the different immunocompromised populations (eg, immunosenescence or weakened immunity due to age in the senior population, malnourishment, cancer patients, people with AIDS and HIV, transplant recipients, patients under immunosuppressive drugs with autoimmune conditions, and primary genetic immunodeficiency disorders, Schall estimated there were approximately 122.6 million Americans with a weakened immune system and stand at higher risk for infections. Our revaluation of the available figures as of the end of 2017 places this figure now at 130.4 million, over one-third of the US population.


The question whether 130 million people, including hundreds of thousands of children, should be subject to injections with infectious viruses– live, attenuated or killed — is never discussed. Volumes of medical and biochemical research confirming the severe vaccine ingredients are also ignored. Nor is any consideration given to the number of vaccines administered and the risks due to the accumulative levels of toxic ingredients when multiple vaccines are given simultaneously or within short time intervals. Nor do pediatricians routinely evaluate the state of children’s immunological health before determining whether or not to administer vaccines.


The extremist wing of the pro-vaccine community, headed by Paul Offit at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, have been diligently pursuing mandatory vaccination and encouraging states to repeal personal religious and philosophical exemption from vaccinating.  Although medical exemption is acknowledged, advocating efficient screening of infants and children to determine whether or not there are higher vaccine injury risks is never voiced. This radical contingent who speak on behalf of vaccines go as far as to suggest fines and imprisonment of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. They support local child services kidnapping unvaccinated children from homes and ushering them through courts into the nation’s deplorable foster care system.


The writings of Hannah Arendt over fifty years ago about the origins of totalitarian ideologies and states have never been more poignant and prophetic than today.  She worried deeply about the language of absolutism, and particularly in the realm of science, which is now the underlying mission of the CDC and the likes of Paul Offit, David Gorsky, and others seeking to politicize immunization. The attempt to reduce all of human life to well-defined processes, to predictable patterns and primitive linear reductionism, was in Arendt’s view both self-defeating and extremely dangerous for a healthy society. In a totalitarian state, objectivity is tyrannical. Scientific objectivity that threatens the official policy even more so. In the case of vaccines, the entire industry is a creed that has institutionalized a denial of the most fundamental principles of science and fact finding. Offit himself is a periodic lecturer at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) conferences organized by the Koch Brothers for the purpose of privatizing all of government, healthcare, education and human life itself. His years of efforts to turn vaccine science into a political issue have succeeded.  And worse, the CDC’s ongoing war of terror against the unvaccinated has become lawful.  And this is what gives rise to a totalitarian culture of science.


Follow the link for more. I only summarized the content for your ease. Below is my personal opinion:

I think Vaccines are good just as food is good. But things like the Food Pyramid and other food related practices have ruined the health of millions of people and the death count should also be in the millions. That's just through the misuse of food. Vaccines were originally invented o save lives. But when certain groups figured out that they could simply milk the vaccination cow, the health aspect got a secondary priority. So my take is that we don't have a vaccination problem. We are simply misusing vaccines just as countries are misusing migration and nuclear energy. We need to fix how things are done. To do that, we must first understand the things. We understand things through thinking and research. So let's have more of that.  

Source of shared Link


I think people have lost site of the truth here. Doing something, anything really to someone else s body without there permission is assault. There is no excuse for assaulting someone.

Exactly! You Own Your Own Body. People are free to build their gated communities keeping the unVaxxxed out. But they don't have the right to Vaxxx random individuals for arbitrary reasons.

injecting anything into millions of people will result in some of them having bad reactions. In fact in the US IV saline kills something like 70,000 people annually.

Didn't know about the IV saline thing.

One thing for sure is that one size fits all is almost always a bad idea. It went terrible with education. I've seen YouTube clips where people fail at basic math like 13-40=?

I was pretty surprised myself, 70,000 killed by IV saline puts a lot of things in perspective, makes the 10,000 killed in gun homicide or even the 30,000 or so killed in automobile wrecks pale in comparison. Not that many people even get IV saline relative to vaccines to begin with so if vaccines that everyone gets were much of a danger you would expect to see way more people die than are killed by saline but we don't see very many total deaths at all.

No evil is even comparable with ignorance. Add prescription drugs to the list and medical industry could be the #1 killer in the developed world. I mean 50,000-70,000 deaths is a lot.

You are absolutely right, for even more perspective we need to look at tobacco and prescription drugs and perhaps the deadliest thing in our society: doctors.

Almost 500,000 a year.

We have discussed your use of saline injections as a strawman argument before, yet here you continue to demonstrably use a disinformation tactic to confuse and derail reasonable discussion of scientific matters.

Rather than endangering the health and security of people trying to understand this issue by conflating it with strawmen, please address the specific information provided in the post, such as the forced introduction of toxins into immunocompromised people without regard to their personal health.

I urge you to assist people in seeking the understanding necessary to be healthy, rather than using disinformation tactics straight out of the above-mentioned instruction manual 'The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations'.

We have discussed your use of saline injections as a strawman argument before,

LOL Nope, a straw man argument is when you attribute an argument to your opponent that they didn't make, so what argument exactly am I attributing to who?

yet here you continue to demonstrably use a disinformation tactic to confuse and derail reasonable discussion of scientific matters.

LOL, pointing out the fact that salt water actually kills tens of thousands of Americans annually is not "disinformation" it is "information". I am in fact doing the exact opposite of confusing things, which must be why you are so upset by it that you would call it a strawman and disinformation incorrectly.

Rather than endangering the health and security of people trying to understand this issue by conflating it with strawmen, please address the specific information provided in the post, such as the forced introduction of toxins into immunocompromised people without regard to their personal health.

As we have discussed this many times surely you know by now that I oppose any forced vaccinations, I think everyone should choose to be vaccinated. "toxins" were not a subject of this article, isn't the argument that the Gardasil vaccine itself is unsafe? You know that all children's vaccines are available without the harmless amounts of thimerosal found in some older and adult vaccines right?

I urge you to assist people in seeking the understanding necessary to be healthy, rather than using disinformation tactics straight out of the above-mentioned instruction manual 'The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations'.

LOL, I haven't read it, but clearly you have, but you won't fool me!

I urge people to look up how many people are killed or injured by a vaccine and the typical extent of those injuries and then to compare that to how many people are or have been killed or injured by the disease that the vaccine protects you from and to then make a rational choice.

So the contaminated vaccine from the 50s that you fear will give you cancer has not yet done so has it?

I'm too tired to go point by point, and I reckon folks that care will pick out your manipulative language all by themselves anyway.

"I urge people to look up how many people are killed or injured by a vaccine..."

And then compare the low numbers reported to be injured by being injected with disease organisms, contaminants (as I probably was), agonists, adjuvants, and toxic metals, with those reported to be injured by saline solution, mere salty water.

It's impossible to believe those numbers, and that will help folks to grasp the extent and degree of the mis- and disinformation we are subjected to regarding vaccines.

yeah, 50 more years and that SV40 will get you for sure! I like how whenever facts or evidence or numbers ruin your narrative then they are "impossible to believe", you have a lot of confirmation bias.

So they lie about vaccines but tell the truth about salty water?

That's your strawman that you don't have any evidence for, you claim that there is a huge conspiracy, even to the extent that you once claimed that I was being paid to argue with you on, to hide and lie about the dangers of vaccines but all the people you claim do that are very upfront about the risks associated with vaccination.
The CDC does not say vaccinations are without risk nor do doctors. They give you written disclosures that break down the risks of various negative reactions for each vaccine.

Fortunately my criteria for believability is dependent not on my liking for facts, but on actual logic and reason.

You are the one claiming that saline solution hurts more people than injecting toxic metals into infants with immature immune systems, and if the reported data bear you out, then that is clear evidence of misreporting - and it is impossible that saline solution does less harm than toxic metals.

Your incessant manipulative language led me to ask you if you were paid to use it, and I have not ever claimed you were. Your characterizations in this reply are representative of that manipulation, as I, and anyone that has read our conversations will easily verify.

No one (manufacturers) has risk for injuries due to saltwater injections, and, again, your failure to note that is evidence of your own bias.

Thanks for proving it here.

You are the one claiming that saline solution hurts more people than injecting toxic metals into infants with immature immune systems, and if the reported data bear you out, then that is clear evidence of misreporting - and it is impossible that saline solution does less harm than toxic metals.

Nope, I am not claiming it hurts more people, I am claiming saline kills more people. "hurt" is hard to compare, a sore shoulder afterwards could be, and is by anti vaccine proponents, counted as a "vaccine injury".

No one (manufacturers) has risk for injuries due to saltwater injections, and, again, your failure to note that is evidence of your own bias.

This is a new twist to our discussion, what is the basis of this new claim you are making that "no one" has liability for improper use of IV saline? My failure to note something that is irrelevant and I know nothing about is evidence of bias? How am I supposed to note every irrelevant bit of minutia that I am unaware of, wouldn't that just distract from the fact of 50,000 deaths from IV saline, isn't that why you are bringing it up? Why would "no one" have liability there and how does that make me biased if true?

I would expect that in light of this new study that we will see all manner of class action and other suits based on the improper or capricious use of saline. Let's see if we see this in the next 6-18 months:

"If you or a love one received IV saline and suffered from kidney damage or death call the law firm of Scumbag and Huckster today!"

The issue of liability there seems like a odd red herring, nothing to do with the magnitude of the effect we see from something like salt water. What does the liability have to do with how many Americans it kills annually?

You're clearly lucid. You speak English well. You do not fail to understand, yet claim ignorance of what liability has to do with the vaccine safety issue, CDC and AMA corruption, and Big Pharma funding biased studies, quashing good science, and seeking to compel vaccination while immune to tort action for manufacturing vaccines.

You cannot be sincere in your protestation of ignorance.

As I am not unfamiliar with biology, and no one I know of has ever claimed that saline solution is not a natural and necessary component of human blood, I find it ludicrous in the extreme to contemplate the claim that saline injections cause more harm than the numerous toxic ingredients of vaccines.

Therefore, absent extraordinary evidence including physical causal chains of harm, I completely reject the thesis that vaccines cause fewer injuries, including death and serious illness, than saline.

That you actually make that argument and pretend to be unaware of liability issues renders your discussion specious, and is the very reason I called your integrity on this issue into question.

At every opportunity you use your ability to understand to muddy the issue, to pose straw men you can knock down with facility to divert the topic (as discussing saline injuries is a diversion from the toxic components of vaccines), and use the techniques (you claim to be unfamiliar with) specified in documents leaked to the public that are used by institutions intent on mis- and disinforming the public with propaganda. Then you call the central issue of liability for harm a red herring.

It is utterly unbelievable.

You may not be a paid shill, but I doubt it. Saline may injure people due to it's components, but I doubt it. Vaccines may not injure people because of their toxic components, but I doubt it.

My doubt verges on certainty in all three matters.

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