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RE: Main Stream Media Manipulation

in #dlike5 years ago

Yeah I never used to be so conservative, and I still love our multicultural society. The thing I love most about it, the traditions it brings like food for example. Growing up in Renmark most of my friends were from different cultures, and my best friend and his family are macedonian. I always loved learning about their traditions and values, even if they don't align with mine.

However on the other hand I do have concerns about open borders and just letting anyone in.
Terrorism is a big concern of mine, and after going through my accident and having my arm ripped apart much like what would happen to survivors of a terrorist attack I really understand what it must be like to go through something like that.
It's something that changes every aspect of your life forever. I still have severe PTSD, anxiety and depression I have to live with every day.

Then I also think of countries like Nigeria, which is shocking when it comes to scams. Sure western countries are not without their scams but when compared to Nigeria it's far worse.
The unfortunate thing is not everyone has the same values as you and I, and until everyone does hold the same values the world can never be a better place.
Most of the violence that happens in the world is a direct result of different religious beliefs, the conflict in the middle east has been going on like forever.
That will happen here, and in fact already is due to radical ideology.

Fixing the problems elsewhere in the world would be a much better solution, rather than just having everyone seek asulym here. Otherwise we are just moving the problem from one place to another

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