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RE: France and Facebook announce partnership against online hate speech – POLITICO

in #dlike6 years ago

Hate speech has no reason to be anywhere, free speech is only really used by this crowd as a scapegoat to be a racist or transphobe or whatever, anyone who says free speech unironically and often is most likely a bad person. Convince me otherwise.

Real free speech issues are all around us. Look at LGBT rights for example, where is the free speech outrage there? Look at the BDS movements in regards to Israel, pro Palestine positions get govt funding revoked. Look at gerrymandering in electoral politics and how popular vote in the US means nothing. But nah, lets ignore all that and cry about black folk not wanting to be called evil names on a minutely basis. Or about how trans people just want to exist without scorn and hatred. How dare they! Free speech!!!!

None of us should tolerate hate speech on steem and should flag it all on sight as to prevent this from being the next gab-like nazi den of garbage.

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Do you talk against all hate speech or only against hate speech which you don't like?

Or then we have the typical option: it's only hate speech if I don't like it.
For example some claim "Muslims should all blow up themselves" is hate speech but "Kill white cis men" is not.

How do you feel about this?

Hate speech is contextual, white cishets don't have a history of oppression. We dont live in a meritocracy.

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So a history of oppression is required for to be hate speech?
So what is "Kill all white cis males" if not hate speech?

People like this, making imaginary rules what's hate speech and what's not based on what you want are one of the reasons why the "hate speech" doesn't mean much. A very good example of a big issue with socialists and other free speech haters, as you accept attacking on the groups you just dislike and come up with explanations on why it's ok.

People like you, who are valuating people differently on their gender and skin color are a big issue in the world.

"Imaginary". So hundreds of years of pain and suffering is imaginary to you?


Please think before you say things. Nobody "values" white people less than minorities, that's just some cringe fanfiction, the real imaginary rules are the ones you're making up.

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"So hundreds of years of pain and suffering is imaginary to you?"
I didn't say that. No, it's not imaginary, but that doesn't define hate speech.

No we don't. But that doesn't define hate speech.

And yes, plenty of people value white people less than minorities. Depending on where you live, white people can be a minority.

But also, please take note:

Hate speech against white people is still hate speech.

Unless you want to define hate speech as something related to minorities. But then imagine a white person flying to Ghana and then he couldn't commit hate speech against blacks, because they're a majority there.

If you want to use the history of oppression instead of being a minority as a defining factor in hate speech, then I can tell you this:
It's impossible for me to be accused of hate speech.

I'm from Finland, which has been independant since 1917. Until that, we were under strong oppression of Russia and Sweden. Finns were sold as slaves, it's estimated that at worst 30 000 Finns (of the population of 400 000) were sold and sent as slaves. Finland has suffered from slavery more than any single African nation has.

But were white, so I'm assuming you'll just pretend we have had no oppression, pain or suffering. Instead I'm assuming you see us as someone with a history of priviledge because we're white.

However I'm lucky enough to have a history of oppression, so I use any language I want without it being hate speech. Or how does it work, if someone talks shit about me, it's hate speech, but can I talk shit about others who have not been as badly oppressed?

I prefer to discuss issues than to silence those who feel that way...

What do you define as hate speech?

I like black people, I also like trans people, I also like 50 year old white men. Most don't hate.. The few that do, still will even if they are silenced. I would prefer to know who they are.

Its cool that talking to nazis and bigots is an academic pursuit and a game to solve, but for actual minorities talking to these people can get us killed. Please understand why we need this policy in place, to mitigate damage.

You do not at all understand the violence and trauma that being subjected to heinous garbage can give when it happens to you on a daily or even minutely basis like a lot of us experience

Hate speech are slurs, conspiracies, and other shit that targets innocent people. Hate is violence. Just because you're lucky/privileged doesn't mean it doesnt have material damage.

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I strongly disagree with nearly everything you said. Conspiracies are not hate speech, they are just ideas. Slurs/names, I don't respect them, I don't use them. I am capable of hearing it and making a calm argument against them.

Do you ever wonder if calling people nazis and bigots is hate speech?

You cant disagree with lived experience and material effect. To you it's an academic pursuit, to people like me its life or death. You literally cannot disagree with fact.

Calling someone out for being terrible isn't hate speech. Actions and expressions speak louder than your skin color or gender identity. Anyone who disagrees is wrong, factually.

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People like you? You look white, so I've have to guess you are trans. Well, that doesn't matter to me in the least.

I can argue with that. Rarely a person is killed for being a color or different. But it is rare although horrific.

I absolutely agree that actions are more important than color or gender or sexual preferences.

I also think it is utter dumb and nonsensical to hate someone for having dinner with their father, to assume someone is rich because their father is rich and to throw around nasty names while being upset that others throw around nasty names. Grow up and hold yourself to your own standards.

Again, you dont understand the material effects of hate speech. The trans attempted suicide rate is 46%. Nearly half of all trans people want to kill themselves. Why is that? Because of the garbage you defend with your fake moral purity of "all ideas are equal and harmless" routine. Defending hate speech is a sacrificial policy stance that doesnt affect you so you don't care about the damage and just pretend it's a game to win, rather than a real world issue.

I dont get it.

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Would calling someone a cunt for who her father is, be hate speech? lol

Calling a racist a mean name is justified, sorry your feefees got hurt. Be a better person. Racism is bad, selfish rich people are bad.

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hahaha... you are hysterical.. both as in funny and as in hysterical. I've now glanced over your blog...

Nice job on recently giving up slurs. hahahha

So you have no argument left and resort to character attacks? Sounds like hate speech to me. Have fun being a privileged yokel, I'm sure you deserve it.

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Thank you. I'm glad you gave up slurs. Good move.

Yall gonna say anything of substance or just shitpost like the typical liberal?

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