See anyone can understand the Markets...I think:))

in #dlike6 years ago


I found this quite funny and very informative. If this Guy gets it anyone can.

Source of shared Link


It needs time to absorb this information.

Just watch the video again that might help lol 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah I don't get why people are so confused about it it's pretty simple

Posted using Partiko Android

I think that some people are frightened to look and understand it. When really it is simple.

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't think so. People have lots of "other" things to do. Not only that there are many other social media choices. Each to their own. We can not all be the same.

How can you speak for everone... I am one of the frightened and baffled when it comes to the markets and indeed anything to do with numbers 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

I stand to be corrected. I do not believe people are you said. You said it was easy. Read what you wrote

you said some people are frightened when really it is so simple. I think some people are interested in other things and frankly can not be bothered.

chastised...yet again from the almighty one. lol

I said anyone can understand the markets i think....Im still not sure I totally get it. But Im working on it.

Posted using Partiko Android

how can YOU speak for everyone and say why are they is so easy. those were your words.

[-]andyjem (52) · 4 hours ago
I think that some people are frightened to look and understand it. When really it is simple.

Posted using Partiko Android


In a sense it really should not be so hard. Why must it be so hard. Goes against any Abraham HIcks thoughts. Since everyone on Steemit seems to be swimming upstream. I for one am going downstream. Much easier. More pleasant.

Well swimming up or down we still reach a destination. But your way we won't be to tired to enjoy it when we get there 😀😀

Posted using Partiko Android

just saying. stop making it hard. be like Abraham and float downstream.

Ues I do get it. But sometimes you have to kick againt the currant especialy if you are approaching a water fall 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

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